This is a recap of Chaos;head to prepare you for season 1 of chaos child. Pacing wise it's a little fast, but it's still closer to a good pace than the original chaos;head. That just speaks to how bad that animes pacing was. Unfortunately this is not a self contained anime. It's only partial retailing, and cuts of before the last 3-4 episodes of the original. That fact means that you do have to go back to re-watch chaos-head which is a sin in and of itself.
The things that this anime are good at are the same that it's prequel is. Music and sound are great. The idea is a good story, just not put into practice well. What this is and what it's a product of holds it back. If your a stains;gate fan watch it to build on that world out of your love of the show. Otherwise I recommend a skip. This is true for all the chaos line. It's held up by steins gate and a lesser degree robot; and -occult in a marginal role. If you don't like these then enjoy you freedom.