I only read volume 1 so far, but intend to read a little more soon, here's why:
As you can tell it's one of those "woe is me, my classmates are dicks for little to no reason" power fantasy isekai. I don't like these kind mostly ,because they play up the cruelty of the classmates as they are betrayed, just so they can justify the protagonist being a edgy, morally gray, harem protag. I like this one a little better ,because there is a bit more background into his life before they were transported something most of these revenge-based isekai lack altogether. The classmates are a little more human like (the non dick characters) and have a little time focused on them. And while the protagonist is certainly an exception to the hero system in this world he isn't exactly overpowered, though the fighting isn't exactly nail-biting. It just feels that this story has a good amount of potential with the character interactions. Still preeeeeetty cliched though. The art was solid, and I think it was quite enjoyable. I think the first volume is worth a read.