Set in the United States of the 19th century, this anime shows us the life of a rather naughty boy: Tom Sawyer and his companions and friends. Tom lives with his brother (in the book he mentions that he is a stepbrother) and his aunt Polly. Tom is very lazy boy, mischievous and always a headache for his aunt and his school teacher who will not hesitate to punish him ... with beatings.
Tom prefers to be free, to play near the river with his best friend, Huckleberry Finn, who lives an enviable freedom for other children. His mother died long ago and his father, a drunkard, practically abandoned him. Tom likes adventures and he will always be looking for a way to have them. For example, one day he had the idea of being pirates and living on an abandoned island in the river
For a few days he lived there with Huck and another friend of both. Since no one was notified of this adventure, the days passed and even the adults believed they were dead. On the day of his funeral they appeared at church out of nowhere.
Mark Twain, the original author of this story, drew a bit from his experiences as a child near the Mississippi River. So, this can be quite interesting for kids , because was a time where there was no tv, phones ore ven electricity.
This anime, created by Nippon Animation, brought us 39 funny episodes. It is part of the Word Masterpiece Theater collection. The animation is quite good, 30 years later this can be considered good, well done and fluent.
Anime does not feel sorry for dealing with certain topics, even if the matter is heavily made up. In other words, there is a chapter dedicated to those people who want to be free. You know, tanned people who, because of the historical context of this story, well ... they weren't free. This isn’t a story about freedom. Is only an anime about a boy and his adventures with friends.