Ok, I'm going to review Bokutachi no Remake which, amazingly enough, is an anime with an excellent storyline, and I'm loving it! (SPOILER ALERT!)
The story is very good (whenever the anime in the first episode has a duration of 50 minutes, I find it super interesting and a well constructed story), I love when they involve going back in time. The comedy is very good and very dynamic, every moment in its timing, made me laugh. The premise kept me going until the end of each episode.
The animation of the anime, is very well done, the art of the characters and the environment, are very comforting and pleasant.
The voices are good and some are extremely cute (ShinoAki says so). The songs are very comforting to my ears and make me happy watching.
The characters are well introduced, and have a great development, up to the current moment of the anime. I have created a fondness for each character and their unique characteristics. The mc makes very good use of his back in time to help his classmates. I feel as if each character there, complete each other, to achieve their goals and grow during the course of the anime.
Overall, I like this kind of anime a lot (even more so because it was well done), I may have gone a little overboard in the review, but that's what I think. I hope I helped spark your interest :)