To sum it up, this movie brings to light Misono's family situation, past, and also Lily's take on it. I would have liked to see more of Mikuni's character and growing up experience as well though.
The story was alright, though not particularly very elaborate and the suspense was next to nothing. It was mostly about the things Lily, Misono's father and the servants were keeping from him (his whole past basically). Everything else revolves around it. 5/10
The art was the same from the original anime. The effects were nothing really impressive, but it wasn't bad either. 7/10
The sound was good, I liked the ending. 8/10
We got to see pretty much of Lily's and Misono's Father's characters, and also of Misono's (but we knew his character from before too so it's not that relevant). I particularly liked Lily, I thought his character was interesting. 7/10
Enjoyment 8/10, and overall 7/10. As a Servamp fan I enjoyed it, but if you're not a fan of the original anime (or at least enjoyed it) then I don't think there's any reason for you to watch this, since it's basically the same dynamic and all that shit.