
Jul 14, 2021
Mixed Feelings
The ending of Beastars season 2 left such a sour taste in my mouth, sadly becoming my first review. The plot begins with such a strong conceptual turn with a deep pull to this more gritty, crime-fighting (or participating) world balanced like the two half of yin and yang. New characters are introduced and plenty of world designing plot points are developed but very few continued to be explored and those which are become layered time and time again with stretches of disbelief.

[Spoilers for just this paragraph to explain my reassoning] New characters such as the snake are developed and used for a singular plot point the completely forgotten, themes such as Legoshies urge to protect others are stretched thinner and thinner, and overly dramatic questionable choices are forced again and again with cheese and unsatisfying resolution. The story is able to reasonably explain scenes such as Louis being forced to eat meat but Legoshi repetitively chooses the most illogical and dramatic choice making him further and further bland, refusing to actually solve the issue until eating Louis leg for some drastic reason just to smile at Riz solving the problem. Other characters as well are just introduced and developed for little reason such as the stripper and the cheetah while primary characters such as Haru and Juno are almost left behind. Major plot ideas such as the board electing the next beaststar are thrown in then forgotten just to spice things up with such a short amount of time. Lastly, I question the need for scenes like the moth being eaten for a vision quest which then blinds Riz for a powerful attack that just doesn't match the generally realistic universe.

[No more spoilers] What angers me so much about season 2 is clear how much effort and development went into this wonderful show but the plot all this effort was laid onto feels like a first draft. A list of intriguing ideas, some of which are wonderful and some of which should be scrapped, but all thrown in without a consideration of legitimate believable reasoning and plot continuity. Sadly this season continues to create and abandon ideas while pushing and pushing the limits of its wonderful character's ideas until they snap you out of the moment questioning what you just saw. I love Beastars and I loved its potential but I must warn big fans that this season may leave you more disappointed than satisfied as many of its beautiful plot threads are unraveled and thrashed while new ones are crudely tapped along the way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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