Hen Zemi is a comedy anime by studio Xebec, of Outlaw Star and harem/shounen fame. The story follows Matsutaka, an ordinary girl who enrolls in an abnormal psychology class, and her adventures with her salacious and deviant classmates. It’s not often you get an anime in a university setting, and it’s refreshing to see adult characters who actually have sex and talk about cultivating their own feces. It’s also interesting to see how the others’ bizarreness rubs off on Matsutaka, and how she changes through the show.
As you might have guessed, this show has some pretty weird jokes, and it’s definitely not for the faint of mind, or those who mostly keep to more generic comedy. If you liked Panty & Stocking (with Garterbelt), it’s a little like that, but more straight faced. Without hesitation, the characters seek out all vile perversions in the world, from indirect kissing to walking around in public in a diaper or with a phone-activated vibrator. The characters are varied, and feel fresh and original. There’s of course a lot of focus on the main character, and as such, more interesting characters sometimes get left behind, but everyone gets their share, one way or another.
The art is simplistic, and while it may seem a little bland at first, it fits the show very well, and never feels unsatisfactory. The characters either have over-the-top reactions to most things, or remain calm and collected, which varies things, and gives each character their own identity. The animation is really nothing special, but it doesn’t need to be. It looks and feels very much like the original manga.
The soundtrack is pretty unimpressive, but fits the tone of the show, especially a piece of music introduced near the end. The voice acting, on the other hand, is wonderful. The voice actors give it their all, and they each do a smashing job, my favourites perhaps being Norihisa Mori (Ichikawa) and Shiraishi Minoru (Taguchi). The ending, song by Hanazawa Kana, is catchy and light hearted. It’s certainly a notch above average, but not quite up there with the great.
I’d recommend this to anyone who wants a comedy out of the ordinary, those who like the abnormal, and deviants in general. It might not be for those new to anime or those a little pretentious, but I had a lot of fun with it, and you should watch it.