B: The Beginning Succession is an underwhelming sequel to the original show. The first season did not exactly set a high bar either, with incredibly poor pacing at the start but overall contained a decent story. Succession suffers from the opposite problem, where the pacing is good but the story itself is rather uninteresting.
I re-watched the first season just before starting the second so that I could better judge this show as a sequel.
This review will assume you have already watched B: The Beginning (the first season).
We are introduced to many new antagonists but we are never told clearly why they believe in what they are doing. There is also little to differentiate between the antagonists so they all feel like a generic 'evil' person. There are some highlights however, like when the audience gets more information about Erica and Keith's background.
The original season of B had some good action scenes and minimal use of awkward CG. Succession unfortunately, seems to have cut down on the dynamic feel of the action scenes. There is also a lot more 'car CG', which is infamous for looking especially bad.
They kept the same eleven-second opening from season one but replaced the ending. I do not like the second ending because it does not sound unique and identifiable like the original one did.
I watched the show dubbed and each role was cast well. Special mention goes to Brianna Knickerbocker for no reason in particular, I just really like her voice work in general.
This show gives us a lot of development for Keith, which is something the first season only got around to at the end. This season covers a scenario that is used in many trashy shows, romantic feelings between two adoptive siblings, and addresses it from a mature and reasonable perspective.
It's a shame that Keith's development lasts only one episode, because that is genuinely the best part of this season.
Lily is also more marginally more plot relevant in this season than the last despite being a main character in both.
Apart from the one episode about Keith and his long-buried feelings, the season is pretty boring. If you are not interested in learning more about Keith, I would suggest avoiding this second season.