
Jun 20, 2011
Higurashi is one of my favorite anime series, but that doesn't mean I love all of it, and Tatarigoroshi-hen is probably the arc I disliked most while watching the anime. One of the reasons for this may have been that it focuses on Satoko, who I find annoying, but... Que sera sera. I still say that from what I've read and watched, it's my least favorite, but the manga adaptation of this definetely made me hate it less.

The story of this arc is a simple one on the surface, but it gets more complicated as it progresses. Out of the question arcs the series has, it seems to give away the biggest hints about what exactly is going on in Hinamizawa. I advise anyone reading it to pay close attention to what's happening. However, it also offers up a lot of questions which, even after having finished both the anime and reading most of the answer arcs, I still can't say exactly what was going on a fair amount of the time here. Considering I was actively trying to piece together what was going on all the while during the time I was reading this, that's not a very good thing.

Also, as stated before, Tatarigoroshi-hen focuses more on Satako than any other arc in the series. I personally find her to be very annoying most of the time and, from what I understand, so does a lot of people. This arc does manage to give her character some sympathy, but she's still annoying, near the end especially.

I think the best part of this arc was actually the final chapter, the events of with I don''t believe were in the anime. It gives some interesting insight into the mentallity of the character it focuses on and is done very well.

Art is probably this arcs main fault. From what I've seen, it has the worst art. Considering this also is the least popular arc, I really have to wonder why they did this instead of giving it the BEST art so people would be more willing to buy it. It's tolerable for the part and even good at times, but the characters go off model at times and it just doesn't work.

Characterization is roughly the same as with the other arcs with the only big difference being more insight into Satoko's character. Overall, it's good but somewhat underdeveloped.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed reading this arc. It starts off a bit slow, but once the shit hits the fan, it gets good quite fast. Of course, anyone who likes the series should read this and they may even find something to like in it that they didn't in the anime like I did.

Overall, I give this cruel twist of fate a 7 out of 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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