
Jan 18, 2021
This is a spoiler free (as much as I could) review of Docchi mo Maid and my first ever review, so please keep that in mind...

Story - 2
The Story was terrible and made no sense. The main characters are 2 girls that fight monsters dressed as maids to save the world from humanity and pollution... In the show, we see them fight a pervert monster that assaults women and, once its true identity is revealed, everyone suddenly starts to have pity for it and to want to save it, despite what it just did, because it's cute and a little girl is crying. That 180 made no sense and, since it's the only actual thing to happen in the anime, it made it lose quite a few points in the story department.

Art - 2
What is there to say that would be positive about the art... The animation looks so stiff and the art is inconsistent in the best of cases, with the line-work being particularly bad and almost looking random. Still it wouldn't be a 2 if it wasn't for the crowd we see halfway through the episode. It looks so bad I think even I could realistically reproduce in Paint and, at one point, to give the impression was bigger than it was they showed the exact same ugly picture with a shirtless guy for reasons I couldn't explain twice in a row.

Sound - 3
The sounds are taken from a royalty free sounds library at best and downright awful at worst. The quality of the recording of the main characters voices wasn't too bad, but once again, it's the crowd that shines in how bad it is, sounding like it was recorded with a broken laptop microphone. The only reason this doesn't get a 1 too is because the OP wasn't too bad

Characters - 4
The best part about the show, but even that's bad. The 2 main girls are literally pervert girls that always look like they are doing something dirty and are apparently OP from the one ''action'' scene in the show, that's it. Then there is a blue sphere that is supposed to represent the Earth I think and is apparently a guy, nothing to note here. Finally, there is the crowd, that GOD AWFUL crowd... Honestly, I feel like it was added in a few hours before the deadline and the anime would probably be more bearable without it. The characters were all boring and oversexualized for the sake of it, but I guess there was nothing TOO awful here and the chara. design for the main girls DID accomplish its purpose

Enjoyment - 2
Let's be straightforward, my enjoyment would have been non-existent if it went on for any longer then it did, but it only lasted 15 minutes and zombie_pegasus' subs on Youtube were pretty funny, so I will give it a 2.

Overall - 2
I have no clue why this exist, but it does. There is nothing great about it and it's one of the few titles I have a hard time finding ANY kind of redeeming quality for. I guess some could find the humor funny, but it wasn't for me. Was I not trying to watch every Shoujo Ai, I would have skipped on this one
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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