Dec 29, 2020
it is just a hentai without the having the tits and vaga fully shown. the main
character is a rapist and the revenge story for why he's a rapest does not make
me think that it is justified, the story is a poor excuse to rape different
archetypes of people without having to post it on nhentai.
this is a power fantasies where the main character can both rape anyone he
thinks is bad and have a harem of people who considered him good guy.
he rapes every female he meets who he thinks are agences him or he wants
revenge on and if he meets a guy who he does not like he turns them into a
girl and makes ogres rape them, this story main character is a healer hero
who was sent away from his family and was enslaved since he was basically
useless, then for 4 years he was abuse and sometimes raped by the people
around him, they also drug him so he would act like a dog, one day when
fighting the demon king, he gains the drug resentence perk and lets his
team die. he then gains the ability to reverse time and want to help to
demon king. he then restarts the world and get his revenge. this story try's
to both tell a under dog story along with a power fantasies story along with
a revenge story, this would have worked if not for the fact that it both
makes the main character a rapest and attempts to make him seem justified
this story shows that no matter how much you try a hentai is still a hentai.
5/10 should of been a hentai
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