A sequel to a successful franchise, Da Capo II takes us to the journey of one Yoshiyuki Sakurai and his harem. Veterans of the original Da Capo will see some distinct similarities concerning the overall plot and the characters that make up the world of DCII.
As previously stated, the anime of DCII is severely lacking compared to its predecessors. It's not that the story itself is lacking, but due to a 26 episode series being abruptly split in half to two 13 episode seasons.
I find it hard to review an incomplete story such as DCII but I don't want current and future viewers to get the wrong idea. To those who have watched this series, you must definitely watch season two or you will have wasted your time. To future viewers, take into consideration that there is a continuation to the tale of D.C.II set to air in a couple of days.
This review might seem out of place, but that's because I know the "actual" story of DCII . "Season 1" is not a good representative of the actual story, but think of it as the calm before a raging storm. Alert viewers would notice subtle hints that were dropped in some of the episodes, which means that there is more than meets the eye...
With that said, think not of this as a review but more of a word of advice. If you felt cheated of your time by watching such a mediocre story, then "Season 2" might just change your mind. Since spoilers aren't allowed, then those who read this will just have to take my word for it.
I for one am eager to see whether the "Da Capo" part of the story will get some screen time. Veterans of D.C.II should know what I'm talking about ;-)