This anime have a really good concept about being a vampire and their hardship of overcoming their "bloodlust" and certainly the main plot of this anime circles around that concept. For those who's looking for a real action type anime with some vampire vs human type of scenario this is not really a good anime for you but for those whose looking for more romantic focused anime between human and a effing horny vampire then this may be an anime for you. I give it a fair rating for that concept of bloodlust
For Arts, I admit that I love the character design for the mah boi Horny Vampire MC he's really cool looking but the other characters not so much so they are really forgettable of course expect Lee. I really love his character but that's another story. The sound in the series is nothing much to catch my attention even the OP and ED. so nothing much to say. The characters here is so meh. I love the concept but how they execute it with these stupid characters ( The main boi and girl) really is just boring. Well there are good scenes but not all scenes are good specially in the first half of the anime. Seriously, falling in love in your first meeting? Girl, you must be horny af. There are some characters that i do really like but not these two stupid shit. Overall this anime is a decent watch if you have nothing to do with your life and want to try some vampire animes but still you might want to try it. 6/10
HOrny vampire in a nutshell