A very light review, spanning off from the reviews of the I''s Pure series. These specials are small, somewhat perverted snippets of fun that you wouldn't otherwise expect in the original anime. Try not to get this series confused with the first I''s aired in 2002-03'.
Just as it was with the main series, art and animation was decent. For the time it was the standard and it definitely didn't disappoint. The characters, well considering the length of these shorts they were decently portrayed, if you bare in mind that these are meant to be shown as a dream from the eyes of the protagonist in the story. I cannot really comment on the story because of this, they were all somewhat generic scenes that you'd likely expect if you watch a few episodes of Kanokon or the likes.
But let's cut to the case, if you've bothered reading just up to here, you'll understand that these are just small snippets hence why this is (for now) the only review. I enjoyed it and that's really what matters with a little bonus like this, I was slightly dissapointed with the lack of intimate activity in the main story so this in a way makes up for it. Nice little shorts, you might as-well give them a try being as they are only a minute each.