First time I've written a review so please don't be hard on me.
After the second episode when they were repairing the rooftop, I realized that they were just pulling stuff out of their ass to create "magnificent art".
However this isn't like the Japanese, they always tried their best to create meaningful art.
Thus their imaginations became so utterly dull and dreadful, like a drawn out sequence of someone opening a door it was forever tormenting my mind and eyes with the stupidity of the show.
Story: 2/10
The characters themselves are fine, the tall woman has certainly the tools to whip the story forward whilst the air-head and clumsy creative girl could truly make their work come true. However, the downside is that these creative people are wasting my time with their daydreaming. Yes you heard me, they are daydreaming and we are animating it.
It creates no substance, most of the art spent animated is meaningless.
16 seconds into the opening, dance movements along with the background lights makes me feel sick. Silly faces and closeups do not display talent, a lot of scenes that focuses on the characters have weird anatomy, and not for the sake of looking silly but just plain bad structure. Should be improved upon if they are planning on releasing a Blue ray version otherwise will be a shame for those who spent money on it. It looks rushed. The colour palette used for the anime is very nice and I would like that to be kept for their future anime releases.
Art: 1/10
Unique voice actors, but one of the "rich girl" voice actor sound off at times when they are goofing around. Like she's not really into it, whilst that's okay since I often don't find Japanese voice actors that sound this unmotivated she does do a good job when she does find stuff to be excited about in the story. The opening song is nothing special, it has repeated lyrics, doesn't really say anything about the show, it's the same as one of their daydreams.
I will give credit for having collected so many sounds for so many different things they had to animate, really nice, and background music isn't disturbing and is actually quite serene, if not playing anything at all at times which is fine but a little bit boring.
Sound: 7/10
"It's good."
How can you even enjoy something that is such a waste of time in the first place. The imaginations of the "creative" girl isn't even creative, it's flashy indeed but it's boring and doesn't have any end results of creating a more imaginative or complex story. It has absolutely no impact on their real life which makes it just a slight show of showcasing random art. It is absolutely terrifying that people would appreciate the time they spent on this. It's as if they would say their daydreaming wasn't a waste of time, which it was! Sleep more on the nights!
The characters have good pro's but their pros are quickly becoming their strongest cons.
Characters: 3/10
I will probably never write a review like this again because if people accept these kind of shows then the future is already decided, we're headed for a Nickelodeon and Cartoon Networks cow & chicken standards. I did not enjoy whatever they were showcasing, they had some funny moments and twists like the business woman using logic to convincing her teacher to give up on going against those three's wishes and them actually getting a place to start off their adventures but I did not find anything more than that to be enjoyable.
Enjoyment: 2/10
Luckily we still have some Directors who know what is truly worth animating besides this guy. I loved Ping Pong the animation but that's because the story was Good and the art was meaningful, everything had an expression to move the story along a meaningful way but not this one.
I think the Directors success might have gotten him a bit arrogant to think that it just has to be "different" to be amazing. I'm sorry but your view on things disappoint me.
I in fact will touch Eizouken and put it in the trash.
Overall score: 3/10
Redo, make better choices.