The story revolves around Lucy , a Diclonius who ends up in the first episodes escaping the government facility in which she was placed in. After a while , she appears at the side of the beach and which she is found by two other character's who will be characterized as main protagonists of the story.
And which the story continues , without any major spoilers. I'm going to say what I like about the Anime. Anyways , to start off, to me the story itself is overall nice. The character's in which are placed in overall atmosphere which matches the feeling of what's to go on.
Another thing , is the how the story reminds me of cat and mouse, weird comparison but listen. Lucy is the mouse , Her goal being to escape from the government which held her hostage for experimentation reasons. The cat is the Government facility trying to capture Lucy and place her back in the facility using basic force if necessary as they see her as a threat to the entirety of the world with Diclonius to them being "Dangerous Mutants".
Which is what I liked about the Anime , The constancy of the mouse having to try to escape from the cat , even if it does require necessary force against what the cat puts down as obstacles for the mouse to maneuver in.
To continue on , In the anime there is always a source of conflict between the main characters with constant flashbacks showing why/how the conflict could of have started. Everything trying to piece itself back together each episode , only to fall back down and the characters having to resolve it in hopes that everything will just go back to how it was.
Overall , I enjoyed the story with it's elements of story which to me was one of the things I mostly enjoyed from the Anime itself.
The art in the anime was nicely done, with the detailed art in the opening of the anime to the simplistic style of how the characters were drawn in the anime. It was overall animated nicely and wasn't overdone.
The sound for the anime was nice , starting with the intro all the way over to the ending and its osts which were included along in the anime. The voice acting for the characters were nice as well , as with the voice fitting the characters personality's was a good touch.
The intro and ending was amazing , fitting along with the theme of the story. Overall , everything was nicely put together.
The character's were overall nice , Everyone of them portraying their own personality in their own manner. Although I did have a slight grudge for one of them, I still liked what each of them brought to the table. Their personality in which matches to what goes on throughout the story. How they react to certain situations and the environment around them.
Overall , the characters weren't straight out bland or remained the same throughout the story.
Like from my review of HSL , I was recommended this Anime and for such to say , I highly enjoyed watching this anime. Now , it's kind of rare for me to review an Anime I don't like (Such as SAO) , But to be honest I did really enjoy watching what was going on. So to keep this part of the review short , In all honesty this Anime was a sight to see.
Overall , I really enjoyed this Anime and would recommend this to anyone who wants to start watching any psychological/horror Anime.