This was a very odd comedy to me. It had a plot but it was hidden amongst some of the random adventures that didn't advance the plot but made for a pretty good episode and laugh.
To me this was an ok anime for it had lots of comedy that made me laugh but at the same time it had some comedy in it that was band and didn't really hit the funny bone unless you had the mind 2 year old. Then there are the times when it gets all serious then they try to pull something funny out but you are already in serious mode and you can't laugh but you knew it was funny.
The Romance in this anime was kinda hidden but there was a feeling it was there. I would say this was more of an adventure genre than a romance since there just was not that much romance in it.
Characters in this anime kept things interesting since they were all different in their own respect. They all had different back grounds but all of them did have one overlapping tone to their past.
In the end the plot all pulls together and things start to make sense a bit more. If you have enough time, I would say watch this anime since it does hold some good value in my books.