The first three episodes were not that great, though they weren't bad either. They were very mediocure attempts at comedy, though I did enjoy it quite a lot at certain points.
Fourth episode however, was extremely good. It was pretty emotional, which is not something I expected from this show. It definitely brought the score up a lot. Not quite sure why this show is considered an Ecchi though, as not a lot really happens.
The artstyle was alright, nothing spectacular about it, and pretty ugly at times.
I rather liked the music, the opening to me was amazing and very catchy, I find myself singing it quite a lot haha. Sound effects were also very good, and used effectively.
Characters were alright, nothing stood out majorly but they were quite fun for what they were.
Overall, I enjoyed the show quite a lot. Last episode definitely brought the score up a lot. Not something I'd actively jump to rewatch however. If you have spare time, then consider it as this show is quite short and pretty alright.