Ambivalent feelings about this manga here... This review will look into this manga as 2 separate arcs. The first being, chapters 1 till the point where kuroneko loses her memory. The second being the loss of memory till the end of the manga.
The plot was a really solid one, or at least I thought for the first arc. The story was really well planned, and one could see a good pace of flow. Most of the reasoning behind all these 'Aliens' were subsequently explained in the second arc. The main problem I had with this manga would be the rushed ending that it had. The first arc was of a good pace with many character developments. Only up till the point where people kept dying and stronger Aliens just appear out of nowhere, wreaking damage with the Anti-Alien organisation going missing with no clear explanation. While this may seem like a rant, I can assure you that when you reach a point where the climax hits and there is no proper closure, you will seriously get frustrated... Another flaw in this manga would be the unexplained origins of how there are aliens in the spine of the magicians, and the fact that magicians had to be girls. Though the ending of the manga was a happy one, the author did not explain if the aliens within this girls would 'awaken' and cause damage to the world. These are just some of the loop holes that I found were major to the plot which I found was really good at its initial stages.
As for the art and characters in this manga, I found myself gaining some attachments to the characters. The emotions and thoughts were well portrayed and expressed. Or at least for the first arc where the pace of the plot was decent...
In conclusion, I would recommend this manga. Recommend this manga for those who enjoy super natural stories. But a caveat, the plot has many loop holes and most of the explanations were not complete.