These are the last six episodes of the anime adaptation of Irae. The First season was pretty confusing in the way they presented the story but at the end it started making sense. The opposite is true for this. It made sense in the beginning as they added to the story but then at the end or to be more exact the last episode it stopped making much sense and it fell into the shounen cliche pit of the mc winning because he had friends and the antagonist losing because he was alone and because he shunned hi son (I assume it was his sun or at the very least they are related). If nothing else watch this show because the action is pretty good so the fights are actually enjoyable. Their is also a little of an ex machina at the end when its reveal that one of the characters could secretly use god like powers all along and then she uses it at the end.
So yeah thats about it. Great action and good story but very hard to make sense of it.