In any story, a book, a comic, even a manga -- there are several important thigns that a author must do in order to allow the readers to properly enjoy what they're creating. This story produced many of the qualities that is needed. In som areas, improvement could of been made, but in most areas, it was strong.
A story must have a believeable plot. It's hard to believe that two siblings would fall in love, and one day marry. But if you look at it from a different viewpoint, you see that is is very believeable. It use to happen a lot, and still happens a little bit today. This story of course would probably never happen considering the story took place over a long period of time, but it was a story that was believeable.
A story must have its ups and downs. This having to do with the plot, a story must somehow, somewhere show the characters struggling whether it be with their relationship, with bullies, or maybe just with argeuments with friends. This story provided lots of this. But I would say that in this area, it needed more work. It's good to have rivals, but when two rivals are presented within a short period of time, then it just becomes annoying. That happened in this story, although the second time was more of a small bump, and the first time was more of a large hill.
A story must have characters which you could cry for. This was the area which was I believe had the most strength. When the main male character left to go Italy, I cried, because I could feel the the pain of the main protoganist. And I was happy at the end when they got married 5 years later. Although at times. I felt the characters were a bit weak, I also believe that they were very strong.
This story has touched me deeply, and is a must read to those who enjoy readsing romance situations such as this. And ever if you don't these type of stories, it's the perfect story to start.