So I came upon this promotional video because the name looked interesting as I searched for another anime in the DB. It's 2 minutes on YouTube so doesn't feel like much of a time waste looking for it and watching it. It's just a promotion for building a mosque, but I say the synopsis and thought "lmao islam has an anime now nice". I'm only writing a review now because I thought it would be amusing and because I feel like talking about the thing.
Story: 6
The story does the job for a promotional video. Displays the tragedy occurring in Palestine where the Muslim spirit of the people that lose their lives is the same that goes into the building of the mosque. It shows Muslims doing regular things like reading the Quran in the mosque and living at home for a few seconds, and shows the feelings for our fellow Muslims and people from the area and other places in the world forming a shield against Israel's air strikes in Palestine and under this shield the area flourishes. The general message appears to be linking the need for a stronger worldwide Muslim community beginning from the community in individual places including Shizuoka. It seems reasonable and does a good job for what it is, though it's not Shakespeare
Art: 5
Islam the anime isn't really focused on the animation, rather than the message it sends. The ghost/spirit/feeling of the people who are dying is represented by blue lights and what appears to be the transmission of Muslim feelings of brotherhood which form the shield or whatever are rainbow lights. Conveys the message well, nice and subtle. The rest of the animation is just simply drawn anime people in low framerate animation. Nothing that stands out much
Sound design is also not really a focus here. Some cheap stock "sparkle" sound effects seem to be used for the moving of the lights and so on and the background music is just there because it would be weird if it was silent. Doesn't really convey any emotion, doesn't really need to. A job well done.
Character: 3
No real characters except a child dying in someone's arms who appears twice and a guy in a crowd in Shizuoka in front of the mosque that looks up. Conveys a generalised message of unity among Muslims without being too specific that it would apply to just about everybody. Nothing really here, nothing really needed.
Enjoyment: 8
There's a novelty in watching "Islam is cool also fuck Israel: the anime". I also got the feeling they were trying to get across.
Nice job by the Muslim Association of Japan. Wish them Allah's blessing in building their Mosque.