
Oct 14, 2018
Not too bad, it's a fairly interesting anime. I like most of the characters and it made a good job of keeping itself interesting. It's just that there's a lot of flaws, if it wasn't because of my enjoyment reaching a 7/10(not getting bored enough to lose my desire to keep on watching throughout the entire thing), I would've rated it 5/10 thanks to the many flaws and feeling of mediocrity in what could've been awesome if the author had done it right.

The world it's set in isn't bad and the settings of magic and its tools are pretty cool. The powers of the mc is also not bad, but it's a pity almost nothing is ever properly explained in terms of powers and how things work, it's shallow. The harmony between the mc team is fairly good and I especially liked the dragon girl, oh, no, the "dragoon" girl, gotta keep it "unique", right? (laugh)

So, well, I don't feel like explaining much more about what I like here, because honestly, there isn't that much, I just enjoyed the mood and developments to some extent, it had a relatively nice flow despite its shallowness and plot holes. Therefore, let's get on with some of the flaws that I noticed and which heavily impacted my score.

First of all, I can't say the characters are that realistic, even for a fantasy anime. Their motivations are weird and it often feels unreasonable. I also can't say I'm that fond of chaika unlike most other people, she's too innocent and "pure", by which I mean that she's quite honestly not cut out for this kind of anime. Her idiocy and quickness to believe anyone she meets and inability to be merciless and cruel turns me off completely. She's a liability, yet she gets her way because the mc can't say no properly. She's essentially going on a huge battle adventure where everyone's out to kill her, yet she keeps on with that stupid crap where she trusts people too easily and doesn't want to kill humans. Come on.

Then we get to the mc, his sister and their powers. I am over and over again surprised at how they never actually seem to use their powers until it's way too late. It's obviously not that they can't, it's just that they decide not to and it ends with them getting defeated. As skilled and experienced warriors, they should know their own limitations and when to activate their powers, yet they don't and this happens so many times. Even if they need a few seconds to stand still and chant their little "magic spell" with their eyes closed, there are many times where they clearly had enough time for that and other times where they could've easily done so while being protected by their teammate or run away to do so. This can be quite frustrating when they get captured or defeated without fighting all-out. Well, it's even more annoying when they do power-up yet get f*cked in the a*s, excuse my language, by some random dude without power-ups, I mean, this guy trained since birth(well, since he could walk) and has all these special skills and even power-ups, yet he got easily owned by some guy that had no real training, at least nothing that could ever hope to come even close to the mc. That he's "tired" and that one of his arms had been stabbed just doesn't justify it, sorry, that's just not good excuses and it's just illogical and stupid, a cheap move to get more "drama/suspense"(which this series is extremely bad at in the first place). Well, sure, he turned the tables on the guy quickly with what was more of a low-blow than proper fighting(sacrificing an arm and pretending to be completely exhausted so that the guy let his guard down), I just don't feel like it was satisfying. Not asking for an OP mc, just one that can fight within the parameters he was assigned without getting weaker or stronger when the author wants him to.

Now, I can't keep on writing, so let's finish up with the general setting. There are a lot of settings I don't agree with or like here. One thing is that you can turn memories into magic, it only feels stupid and unlikely. There being a lot of chaikas and whatever else is really irritating as well, how can "our" chaika feel special if there's dozens people with the same role/appearance but different personalities out there? Hell, there isn't even any moving or good reason as to why they should gather the body parts, it's obvious from the very start they're just being used by someone and it's not hard at all to correctly guess who it is, it's way too obvious. The mc is just kinda bored so he decides to tag along while being with his brocon sister, that's the whole idea. Then they set out on a journey where their main opponents seems to be other chaikas and their teams, which is just boring, very boring. I can also tell you that the ending of this whole story was extremely bad as well, but that's not really season one so I won't go into detail.

Well, so that's it. Kinda average anime, nothing much, but it's not a bad watch even so. The settings are uncomplicated and quite dull, there's lots of plot holes and the characters feel relatively shallow despite having their good parts as well. I just don't feel much spirit/zest here and the story is flawed at best, it's not a good thing when you honestly don't care enough about the characters to get affected when they, for example, get captured/mind controlled, when you don't even care if the villains to die or not even though they're obviously disgutsing human beings because you honestly don't really feel that much for the main characters. Giving it a 5/10 seems pretty reasonable, but I'm going to give it a 7/10 because that's what my enjoyment was overall, it managed to make me keep watching without feeling like it was too boring and stopping, and that seems to be the only important thing for everyone voting, otherwise there's no way the scores would ever be so high. Come on, almost every show is above 7/10 and so many votes you see rate it at 8, 9 or 10/10, there's just no way shows could deserve that if they didn't completely ignore whether it was truly a good, well-written story without flaws etc.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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