There is not much to this anime story wise. If our main Shota MC had a goal in mind and actually stayed true to accomplishing said goal it would have been a little more interesting. So while the story was uninteresting, the amount of great female characters made up for the lack of ACTUAL plot.
The art and Animation was interesting. Silver Link did a great job as always but I felt like there was something lacking to this anime. Maybe the bluray will clean up the animation a little bit but overall it was average.
I really enjoyed the opening and ending. The Voice actors were average. None hit me with the "WOW" factor but they fit their characters fine enough. Especially Ayane Sakura as Nana.
Like I said I really enjoyed the characters. I mean they were cute and enjoyable and thats all I needed from this anime. because just at multiple times I wanted to punch the MC in the face for being a coward when it came to these women.
I enjoyed this anime. It gave me feels at points and it had a decent amount of fanservice but tasteful service.
Overall if you watched this anime while airing it was not worth dropping. However it is not an anime I would recommend to everyone.
It's worth a watch but not worth buying it when it eventually comes to bluray.