I watched Tenshi no 3P because I adored Ryuuou no Oshigoto, a more recent loli show from the same studio. It was obvious straight away the two aren't at all similar in spirit or quality, and furthermore Tenshi no 3P shouldn't be compared with anything that's not also a pile of garbage. With the studio's next upcoming work being for a mobile game, one gets the impression they are all about budget contracts, so it's not surprising their output includes adaptations of trash.
Overall, Tenshi no 3P is unsalvageable. Usually I wouldn't bother writing a negative review on an obscure last year's show that I should have just dropped, but the contrast with Ryuuou no Oshigoto, still somewhat recent and superficially similar, is so stark that I thought it was worth noting.
The show starts as weak, and devolves to being totally phoned in, becoming a letdown despite the start. Around episode 3 or 4 I was starting to warm up to it in a you-ground-me-down kind of way, but then after the band's first performance it kept going further and further off the deep end.
There was no real overarching story - the band plays for the first time and then plays a few more times while a few bizarre or at least bizarrely handled sidestories happen. Seemingly major plotlines get casually dropped or brushed away multiple times, which at times felt merciful because of how bad the writing is. There was a "Christian" theme, gifting us with loads of hamfisted inspirational dialogue. At the beginning there was really squalid fanservice, and by the end there was full-on hareming, both of which suffered from the poor writing, and the visual quality, while adequate, didn't help them pop either.
The best that can be said of the visuals is that they were competently cheap. Anything more would have been wasted on this show. I didn't mind the voice acting.
My interest was perked for a second time when the mc promised to go on a date with each of the girls. I'm not sure if I misunderstood or if that "plotline" just got dropped, because in the end he only ever went on a date with one, the story apparently preferring to spend its time on stuff such as a cringeworthy mentoring sequence.
There were no eligible male characters other than the mc, because conveniently the mc was a shut-in pussy and therefore not even a token friend was required. There were traces of serious character development (or if there were more than just traces I'm in denial because of how bad it was), but in the end everyone is fodder for comedy or sex appeal, which is not a criticism per se. Of course, the show fails to be funny, and the fanservice wasn't laid thick enough to carry it for 12 episodes either. Sora (I think that was the name of the low-energy girl) was the only thing I found passably funny with any consistency.