As someone who's experienced something similar, this was hard to read yet enjoyable.
The characters are complex, and I can say I admire that the most.
Anyone who reads this might have a drastically different view of the characters than another person, mostly because the characters seem to have a whole different level of complexity than I have seen before.
The realistic aspects of it, including how some of Jeremy's situations were handled poorly, add to the realistic aspects of the story(Realistic as in a lot of abuse cases are handled poorly). Jeremy even reminded me of myself. The struggles, every single struggle, and how is self-worth is low, those are all too real to me.
It also made me realize how hard it can be for someone like Ian(someone who hasn't experienced the type of abuse first-hand) to help someone like Jeremy.He struggles to understand him.
The realistic aspect of the story is sometimes scary. At times I thought the story was a bit of a mess, the emotional aspect of the characters seemed a bit all over the place. But then again, that's also another realistic aspect of dealing with abuse, it's a roller coaster ride.