Before you read this:
1)Excuse my English.
When I was going to watch it I thought this would be an Accion with fantasy characters in our modern world and the intro help to solidify that idea. I've never been so wrong, it had nothing to do with the premice I builded up myself. This is a great drama that shows us some amazeing character developments, well scripted interaccions, well made animations and heartbreaking dilemas our leads go through. The thing I enjoyed the most were the characters, I would cheer for them to overcome the situation.
Story: Not a new theme, but a rather relistic aproach to the 8 grade syndrome and a great script that kept me at the edge of my nerves wondering what would happen next. Loved it
Characters: Ryouko and Ichiro were very different and similiar at the same time, it felt real how people can relate so much between them and have totaly oposite views of life. Then again to highlight something great this show accomplished not only the relationship they had felt real, Ryouko and Ichiro (in my hummble opinion) were a great balance between realism and anime stereotypes.
If you love realistic dramas with believable characters, great script and a good (probably the sloppiest thing about the movie and it was pretty decent) animation and music this is a movie for you.