This show is set in a time where the world would revolve around the carbon economy. In the same time period, Japan has built a city called Atlas which takes the form of a humongous reinforced fortress. Hojo Kuniko, the protagonist, wants her fellow Duomo island inhabitants to be able to have good lives in Atlas. However, the Japanese government would not readily open their doors literally and figuratively. This puts the government against the Metal Age, basically Duomo's anti-government faction. Then there are other parties, such as Carbon Tycoons (people who make their money off of playing with the carbon economy), a shrine organisation/following (Idk the correct term for it) and even three otaku old men. How would these parties act, interact and be related to one other?
The show was off to an all right but relatively slow start. I felt that it was very worth the wait imo as the show just takes us on a roller coaster ride of action and some good sci-fi. Additionally, it nicely connects the parties involved and ties up loose ends with a barrage of twists and revelations towards the end of the show. A great choice for people who would love a good plot. There are transsexuals featured in the show, so that might not appeal to some people. However, if you’re looking for a cool female lead, Kuniko might fit that list.