Hilarious rap song in episode 2
No character development
The story isn't given time to develop
No conclusion
The show is only two episodes long so there's not much of a plot, the story seemed like it could have been interesting but it wasn't given the chance to be.
The art was fine, but not that intersting to me.
The dub was just fair, not that bad but not the best ether
I didn't find the music that interesting or memorable.
The characters were mediocre for the most part, although the male lead was wasn't quite as mediocre as the others. There wasn't anyone I really rooted for because everyone lacked depth.
there weren't many memorable moments aside from the rap love song in the second episode and the way Ren speaks. Even though this anime is only 2 episodes long I didn't feel like finishing it.
I was looking forward to seeing this but it wasn't as good as I'd hoped.