Junji Ito, better known for his remarkable twisted and weird horror manga, becomes a co-kitty-owner when his fiancée moves in with him, bringing her cat, Yon, along for the ride. Soon afterwards, she adopts a small kitten, Mu, to help keep Yon from being lonely.
The manga was a small collection of hilarious anecdotes of what life is like with a small clan of energetic, curious, and mischievous feline family members. Almost all of the tales can be appreciated by anyone who’s ever been a cat-slave. They were very cute.
The humour and adorability was further amplified by Ito-san’s unique, creepy, and horror-infused illustrations. For example, Yon is described and drawn as a “cursed” kitty due to the markings on his back that resemble a skull. This “cursed” nature comes up a couple of times throughout the book in funny ways when Ito-san describes a busy night of working. I laughed quite a bit at those parts because I could relate to it on a personal level. I once mistook my black cat for a gargantuan rat in the middle of the night (yay exhaustion). I had been awake for almost 4 days, studying for midterms.
My favourite aspect of the manga is the message that no matter what kind of person you are–cat person, dog person, etc.–when animals are involved, your passions can usually be swayed, especially where love and cuteness is concerned. 😉
I will provide a small warning for anyone who’s ever lost a pet: the extra story at the end is much sadder than the rest of the manga and may evoke tears. I know that I cried dearly and hugged my cats to my chest for a while.
I highly recommend this to fans of Junji Ito, manga fans, and cat lovers everywhere. There’s something here for you all to enjoy or relate to.
10 hairballs outta 10!!