If you've watched all of Mirai Nikki, whether you loved, hated it, or felt very meh about it, this will improve your experience.
There's some filler but it's mostly good filler.
Much more importantly, Mirrai Nikki: Redial gives us what the finale did not: closure. It's all very simple but handled properly and well done. Granted, the resolution still leaves you with a bit of a headache, but at least it is a real resolution, which is more than you can say for episode 26 of the show. What's weird, actually, is that I found out that the ending to this OVA is the ending to the manga. So in a sense, it's a bit strange that they created this as a separate thing rather than just adding it on to the final episode. But being someone who streamed all of this together many years later I can't complain :)
Tbh, this episode is better than Mirai Nikki itself in my opinion. I strongly recommend ANYONE who has finished the series to give it a go. It's 20 minutes that will improve your experience with the show.