Looking at all aspects it is lacking in plot, has a little better art than most of the anime I've seen, sound is about what you'd expect, not enough screen time to bond with characters, my enjoyment rating is decent. Mainly because of the art.
It's not as bad as people claim it to be. There's a ton of overreacting, as usual. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the art or sound compared to other anime. I personally actually liked both (voices and art) just fine. There's not much of a plot, but other than that I'm not sure why people are hating on it so much. Probably because it is strange. In a way it kind of reminded me of the first season of Tokyo Ghoul (haven't finished season two because it is terrible in my opinion), which seems to do some much better because...? The epic fight at the end?
For some reason, myanimelist.net wants unreasonably long reviews so I'm going to have to type some more. I definitely feel like this anime had potential to be something better (like Shiki), but just wasn't well planned out.
Overall: 5 (Mediocre)