Very bare bones, just there to make the sex scenes make sense. I've noticed that this one really likes the older women with younger men scenarios.
I really like the art. What's interesting to note is that the women are chunkier in this manga (but I guess that is a porn thing). I actually welcome the chunkier ladies, they look more realistic (well except for breast
Some of the stories have a bit of character development, but 90% of the manga is doing what it's suppose to do, sex scenes. The girls are pretty similar, horny women seducing men who are usually younger. The men look similar but there is a bit of variety. The guy in the second last story for example, didn't want to have sex with a married women, while the guy in the third through sixth chapters had no qualm about screwing his mother. I found the mother and son story very bizarre.
If you haven't noticed, this was my first hentai manga. It wasn't too bad. I found some of the dialogue funny. The sex scenes were pretty graphic, but well done. I think after half the manga I got bored because the same thing kept happening. Girl seduces boy and the exact same sex scenes would follow with maybe some variation in what order. I think if the artist saved some of the more unique positions for later, the manga would have been better. Also the girls all say the same thing and it got pretty repetitive.
I think I'm probably not the intended audience because I read this more as an informative experience. Looking at art, physical proportions, language, type of sex, etc. I did like the first two scenarios, but I just cannot understand the appeal behind screwing your mother. I found that really bizarre. I think I the manga could have benefited from more story, but again this is probably because I wasn't really reading it only for the sex.