After watching the disappointment known as Queen's blade rebellion the anime. I was curious about it's manga version. Most manga is usually better than the anime adaptation, and this series is no exception. Whoever wrote this comic took the same story from the anime and structured it better and gave it a much better pace. Annelotte was much more fleshed out as a character than her anime counterpart. The anime version of Annelotte was so two dimensional and bland. Throughout all 12 episodes of the show, Annelotte's character traits consisted of two; 1) "I am a knight! Prepare to fight me!" 2) "I am a nice person and I'm going to help everyone." That's basically all Annelotte ever did as a character throughout the whole show, and for that she was kind of boring. However, in the manga she reveals much more about herself like; how she's a clumsy bumbling idiot, she curses out loud, she makes death threats, she cries, she has conflicts with her demon self(which was a huge missed opportunity in the anime), and as a character can be humorous at times unlike her anime counterpart who played it straight. Another huge improvement in the manga was Elina, she obviously had more to do. In the anime she just stood around like, "I'm the bad guy!" Leina's presence is more involved. Tomoe also makes an appearance.
Unlike the anime which started off kind of slow, this version started pretty strong with Annelotte already going after Queen Claudette and threatens her on how she wants her head. Another huge plus about the manga, which is a complete shocker, is the fact that the fan service is completely toned down! Most people hate the queen's blade series because the fan service keeps slapping you in the face with every episode. Clothes being ripped off, nipples and boobs galore, panty shot after panty shot, getting molested, and etc. However, The fan service in the manga only shows some bath scenes here and there, no nipples only butts and occasional panty shot but that's it. I think some readers might appreciate that. I don't mind fan service, but some shows like queen's blade do it so much that it distracts the viewers too much from the story. Another bonus is that there is blood shown and the violence is a little more indulged.
The only problems I had with was the artwork, missing scenes and the ending. No offense, but I did not find that artwork design that appealing. Some people may like it, but unfortunately I wasn't one of them. There seemed to be too many missing scenes, usually in normal stories we see point A to point B. But there are times we see point A to point D, like something important was skipped. A great example of this was when Izumi appeared out of nowhere with no introduction and is already following the MC. However, the biggest issue with the manga is the ending. It literally ended just when the story was starting to be built, and had barely reached the second act. It's unfortunate that the manga ending was actually worse than the animes. I'm not quite sure why, maybe the author dropped it entirely or gave it a rest. We'll never know!
So final verdict:
Pros: The story had better structure and pace than the anime. The beginning started out stronger than the anime. The mc Annelotte is more fleshed out and interesting. Elina and Leina are used more. The fanservice is toned down. Blood and violence.
Cons: Not a fan of the art style. Obvious missing scenes. Horrible Ending.