
Trigun (Anime) add (All reviews)
Apr 26, 2016

First impression, so my first thoughts while going into this show. Where along the lines of man this is going to be a pretty decent sci-fi western action show that was a staple of the late 90s and for the most part it was.

Story, 6/10
So the story of Trigun is fairly straightforward and simple.
It pretty much much starts out about the cool and wacky adventures of Vash the stampede Who is a super hack gunslinger that goes for pacifism and who has a reputation for being the most dangerous person alive on the planet, while being flowed by a duo of girls from an insurance company who are reporting on his activities while trying to make some money on the side?
So during the 90s, quite a few anime had this space western theme and Trigun is one of the more well-known ones and I guess during the 90s a lot of people in Japan must have of had some crazy nostalgia Bonner for Neil Armstrong and Clint Eastwood because quite a few series had space or the wild west for a theme and I guess a few people wanted to see what happened if they fused them together in order to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich of a genre called space western for anime after it had fallen into disfavor with westen viewers some decades precendently.
Now The narrative of Trigun is pretty much split into three totally different arcs which I am going to talk about individuality because Trigun tone and atmosphere change quite a bit throughout the story.
The first third is pretty much of Trigun is pretty much happy to go lucky adventures of Vash and if you like space Dandy or cowboy bebop you will love this first part.
Becuase its very action packed and it does a good job of setting up and establish characters. But the problem is if you're not into episodic shit or episodes where Vash is literally running around to eat doughnuts then it's going to get boring really fast.
The second half is more about exploring the setting and sci-fi concept of how there were some human colonists that came to this planet.
It also talks about the origins of vash and why he is so infamous along this society.
This part is pretty good if you wanted to learn how exactly this post-apostolic society was made and learn more about Vash because he has a mysterious past and slight amnesia.
The third part is very dark and intense it's kinda like a cold war take for vash as a character because he now has to confront his past along with his evil elder brother knives and his forces. Which had a lot of tension, tragedy and some really good fights? But the problem is that despite the build-up and everything that happens, the payoff is about the equivalent of having family members walk into to your room while you're midway watching porn because the ending is very anti-climatic and what makes it worse is that you watched 26 episodes to get to that epic conclusion to vashs journey that ends in a whimper with a big explosion.
So as an action, rule of cool kind of series as a whole I feel that Trigun hit all the right notes it needs to be even considered decent. But I do feel some of the individual parts that make up Trigun do hold it back a bit.
Like the random comedy moments, this series has i find every obtuse
and it details some of the seriousness and grittiness that the series has in certain scenes.
Characters, 7/10
The main character Vash is somewhat interesting.
Because even though he seems to like this happy go lucky dude at first.
You come to find out that isn't exactly the case when you find out there a side to him that isn't the most positive. He is kind of two-faced and not two-faced with the fact that he is a bad guy or him full of evil intent. it's more like the under his happy and goofy nature lies a darker side to him and you don't really know what Side is the real one. Becuase of how they portray certain scenes with vash having glowing eyes and a intimidating arua. Which I think is intriguing But one downside to him is that his dual nature does come off as a bit disjointed at times.(edited)
The side characters are all very interesting well, even though that mostly applies to the core side characters.
They Are all two-dimensional character pretty much and for the most part, they add
all to the rule of cool aspects to the series with there personalities and skill sets.
But like the main character, they are also two-faced in some shape or form which I feel its more realistic and makes the characters feel more human. With the added bonus of showcasing the duality of human nature while not being pretentious about it like some series are guilty of. Becuase every one and I mean everyone even the nicest or nastiest of people have masks or personas that they showcase in public and its cool for a series of acknowledge this fact and present it a simple way.
The villains in this show are also pretty cool and have decent personality and presence. Like for example, you got a person who uses a saxophone as a weapon.
And person that can use psychic powers. So when it comes to action the villans add a lot of diversity because it not just gunfights or bar fights that destroy half a town, its more like psychic powers, cybrogs and people who are crazy as fuck with there choice and skill with weapons.
But the rest of them are ever one dimensional in person or folder for cash to wipe in the blink of an eye.
Which I found kinda disappointing because the setting that Trigun takes place in could breed really good antagonists.
Even the main antagonist knives just seem to fall flat and feel like a worse version of vigil from devil may cry. He just evil and psychotic for the sake of being evil and psychotic for the very valid reason for humans are weak and they need to be killed because of reasons. Like why should he be the judge, jury and exquisite of humanity when he does, even more, fuck up things. Like there is a scene where he kills entire towns full of people for the reason of humans must burn.

Art, 7/10
The animation is pretty gritty it kind of fits with the whole post-apocalyptic setting.
But on the bad Side the animation is a little dated by today's standards, but even if is a little dated it still looks pretty decent even by today's standards but I am guessing it the madhouse magic that played a role in this.
It has a very retro style to it because in case any didn't know space westerns where very popular in the west until they fell out of favor for a bit and I really like this mix of late 90s animation with and this old western aesthetic.
The character design is also very dated as well, but they look cool and they remind it reminds me of mad max, fallout and the good the bad and the ugly.

Sound, 6/10
The op is quite nice it really does fit the tone of the show, but don't really give a shit about the ending.
The ost was also pretty good as well. It pretty much fit really well with a very scene in the show. If you like Wild west music I think you will like Trigun ost because it reminds me of the old cowboy movies I would watch
The ost was done by tsuneo imahori.
Who has also worked on the soundtrack for cowboy bebop?

Enjoyment, 7/10
So the thing I enjoyed about Trigun would be quite a lot Of things. But guess I will mention a few.
One of the things I quite like about Trigun is the all the characters good or bad where quite fun and interesting.
I also like the action scenes with all the gunfights.
Overall, 7/10

So overall Trigun is pretty much a classic 90s show with good characters good story and pretty good ost as well. So pretty if you're into retro then you will love this show.
But if you're into the more modem anime then you will find Trigun to be very dated by today's standards which can really bring the show down a bit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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