
Pupa (Anime) add (All reviews)
Apr 11, 2016
Pupa. What a wonder this show is. To think it was actually animated is amazing to me. It is quite possibly one of the worst anime I have ever seen in my life, and I’ve seen Mars of Destruction. This review is me taking apart Pupa scene by scene for one of my friends. They hated it as much as I did, so I’m like “fuck it I’ll just write about how bad it is”. This spoils literally the entire plot.

Plot: 1/10
We start off the plot with Yume walking home and she runs into this super creepy looking and totally not suspicious woman. The woman looks at her and acts supper creepy and says “go home little girl lest the red butterflies get you” so she decides to go look at the red butterflies instead of hurrying home. A dog explodes for some reason and turns her into this insect pokemon thing. At least I think that’s what happens. We are then treated to the most heavy-handed depiction of abuse I’ve ever seen. It’s basically like when your mother force-feeds you cough medicine, except instead of making you better, it makes you want to kill something. Some things happen and the big brother decides to go talk to his little sister who is apparently hungry for human flesh. But why does it have to be human flesh? Can it just be meat in general? Can Onii-chan just like buy her a shitton of KFC and let her have that? Or maybe some cows? Oh well. She eats him and then we get this graphic of her in some abstract place being like “I don’t want to eat people. I can’t help it. I don’t want to do this”. I’m assuming we’re supposed to feel sad, but all I can feel is “come on let’s get on with the story”. I feel nothing for these characters because they have no character. Her brother comes up behind her and is like “don’t worry I’ll protect you” and all that stuff that anime characters say. We then cut to her in an alley eating him and she’s a human again with no explanation. I assumed this was a dream sequence or something since they were in some kind of abstract place but no, it’s real life. Wish they’d clarified that a bit earlier, so it wouldn’t be so fucking confusing. If you’re wondering how this is “helping” her, well, apparently he has regenerative abilities. We learn it’s because of the “pupa virus” that give you regenerative abilities but at the cost of insatiable hunger. Again, why can’t they just go to fucking McDonalds and order like a million Big Macs? I’m sure there’d be people who’d be willing to help pay or donate if it meant not eating actual people. Did the writers forget that there’s other kinds of meat besides human meat. Real predators in real life don’t eat just one kind of meat. Oh well, if she could eat other kinds of meat we wouldn’t be able to have her big brother be her source of food. Also about her transforming back to a human. She has like 5 bodies inside of her right now. She used to be enormous, so it didn’t matter that much, but she just shrank a lot. You’d think her stomach would be smaller right? So why isn’t she like “oh fuck I’m so full blaarghhhh”? We then see a flashback of Yume’s mother being like “shit I’m going to have another baby. I need to kill this monster”. Why does she think it’s going to be a monster? She has nothing to base this off of. She even pulls her son away from his sister because she’s supposedly a monster. She seems pretty innocent so far. I mean, she was born with all her teeth, but it’s not like they’re fuckin monster teeth. They look like ordinary teeth. How is this “declaring herself a monster”. This makes no sense at all. And the mother thinks she’s watching her every move. Maybe the mom is just paranoid. You know, most mothers love and protect their children. Why is she so sure this child is a monster and not her other child? Oh well, she kills her child with a box cutter and it’s a good thing the baby didn’t cry or scream or anything and alert people to the fact that she was being sliced open. We then have a montage of the baby growing up and eating birds and all that great stuff and the mom basically goes crazy and is like “please hurt me. I like pain”. Like wtf why is this woman allowed to have children? The next episode starts out with the most erotic “I’m about to eat your guts out” scene I’ve ever seen. At first I thought this scene was supposed to be serious, but then we get this fucking up-beat waltz playing and it just completely shatters any semblance of seriousness the scene had. I don’t know who's idea it was to include that, but it was a bad one. Next we learn about that creepy woman in black. She’s a pretty generic character, just like all the other characters in this show. She says “get the egg cells from Yume as well as the sperm we collected from Onii-chan”. But when did they collect these? How did they collect these? I guess it doesn’t matter enough for them to tell us. After all, why do that when we can have another scene of erotic eating :D
Then there’s the bath scene where we learn that Maria, the creepy woman in black, is apparently giving birth to these creatures. Does this mean that she’s Yume’s mother? Also with her belly, she’s at least 8 months pregnant. When did she get pregnant? She didn’t have that huge-ass belly when Yume and Onii-chan met her in episode 1. Whatever. We begin the next episode by having Onii-chan and Yume going to school. You’d think that if she’s a man-eating monster, they’d want to keep her in the fascility with her brother so she doesn’t eat anyone else. Seems like school would be a pretty dangerous place. What if she goes berserk and starts eating people like she did in episode 1? Come to think of it why hasn’t she transformed into that pokemon she was in episode 1? When and why did she change back to a human, and why hasn’t she turned back into the pokemon since then? They’re intercepted by this creepy looking guy who’s obviously crazy as fuck and he takes Onii-chan to an abandoned warehouse and starts stabbing the hell out of him while Yume stands and watches uselessly. Hey remember how you used to be a giant monster pokemon? It’s a shame the plot forgot you could do that, it’d be super easy to get out of this situation. Instead they get captured and taken to this medical facility where Onii-chan is being disected. They administered anesthesia but aparently the virus neutralized it because of course it did. After all, it wouldn’t be horrifying enough if it didn’t hurt. They are removing organs and placing them on this tray and every organ looks like some kind of abstract piece of meat. In fact, they look like the exact same thing his back muscles are made out of. I think the author doesn’t know how to draw organs, so he just decided to draw pieces of meat and hoped the audience wouldn’t notice. On another note, don’t you think these doctors are enjoying this a bit too much? I don’t hear anybody complaining or souding like they’re sickened by what they’re doing. Psychopathy is not this common. You’d think at least ONE of them would have an issue with disecting a human being? Laws are in place to prevent doctors and scientists from doing this. This is the same problem I had with Charlotte and Ajin (although that handled it a little better). And when they brought out the fucking chainsaw I just burst out laughing. I don’t think the author was taking this seriously in any way at all.
Now that Onii-chan is captured and being tortured, NOW she can transform again. Or at least grow tentacles? Why didn’t she do this earlier? All the conflict could have been avoided. Whatever. Now we’re seeing Onii-chan and it looks like he’s escaped or something. But how? His sister didn’t do it, since she was looking for him. It shows the doctors all dead. Did he kill them? He’s been shown to have no supernatural powers aside from regenerations so far. If he did have them and we just didn’t know about them, why did it take him so long to use them. In fact, why didn’t he know he had regeneration abilities until episode 2? He’s supposedly had them all his life. Has he never scraped his knee or cut himself or broken a bone or anything? Oh well. He and his sister a reunited happy ending to an episode yay. Next we have… holy shit it’s another erotic eating scene with immersion-breaking waltz music. This time they’re in the PE shed. Seems like it would be really easy to be found out there, not to mention getting blood all over the equipment. After she eats him we get this moment that I think is supposed to be heartwarming where Onii-chan is like “It’s not so bad getting eaten by my little sister. I love my little sister”, but it just comes off as creepy. And that may as well be the final episode. The next one is pointless so I’m not going to talk about it. It’s just stupid.

Characters: 1/10
The characters were boring and had no character. I don’t even remember the big brother’s name. This series is so bad

Art and sound: 3/10
The art was not great, but not bad. I liked the unfinished coloring style. The character designs were meh and the artist didn’t know how to draw body parts as was evidenced by the fact that every muscle looked the same as the organs. The music was also pretty okay. It wasn’t memorable, but it fit the scenes and the mood. Except for that fucking waltz music…

You're welcome Nova.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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