Ore Monogatari hit home for me. Way out of the field, nothing to even consiitor, it just won. It takes thestory of two friends that have known eachother since their kindergarden days and puts them in a world full of ramance. It rellates both characters to the japanese nursery story of the red ogre and the blue ogre, one wants to make friends so the other makes a commention to show the people that the first is not a bad guy. I feel they hit very key points everywhere, leaving me utterly astonished by how they ended it so perfectly.
I feel the sound needs to be hit first since it was just LOVELY. I was blown away by how perfect every voice actor matched their character and their roles. Each voice held its weight to the love and it clearly showed that each actor had a good feel for these roles, making me want to hear them again in the future for whatever anime they might be casted in. Now the bgm, that... that stuff was something else. Honestly, I got so involved in the anime that I completely ignpored the bgm often enough that I didn't actually think there was any but when I started listening to it, I was very impressed. The intro song will forever be ingraved in my mind. It was one of the most catchy, love-feely intro I've heard in a long time and after trying to watch episode 4 without it, the anime didn't feel complete.
Shoujo art has a very unique and awe filled art style that emphisises on the love and the emotions in the characters face that you just don't normally get from other animes or art style, or even a lot of real TV. Yes, shoujo art is very one sided, eaither you love it or you hate it. I feel ORe Monogatari did somethere with that that a lot of other animes are trying so hard to do these days; they went right out with its art and pretty much said "if you like shoujo art, this anime is gonna blow your mind because its gonna have all the art feels you need!" and completely ignored trying to appaise those that don't like shoujo, which in turn, may not get them as many viewers, but it definatly makes it a show that highly appeases those that like shoujo. The array of colors used for the characters was very nice and it made each character feel alive, while still give that 2-D feel that we all love. Now the one issue I did have with the art, was that it never looked the same twice. Proeportioning issues where everyone between height diffences, which did make me a little confused here and there.
Each character had their own way of working their way into your heart, weither it be through force or by -dereing its way it. Even watching a second character get turned down, and loving the main girl, it just broke me up when anyone got rejected at anytime during this anime. I do wish the characters had more background and had more of a story to tell, but I feel they hit the relationship developments extrordinarily well. The fact that we only get to meat the MC's parents was kidn of a let down to be honest, as I would have loved to see an episode where the hero meets the Heroine's parents.
Plot devolpment in this anime was instintanious. There was no buffer, there was no wait, you knew exactly how the anime was gonna felt from the first episode. Or atleast thats what I thought after seeing. Making this anime actually have a main topic for the MC instead of his struggle TO get that #1 person was a brilliant idea. Showing the soft side of a giant MC is always a great idea and giving the assertive role to the heroine was jaw dropping. Throught the story, I felt that everything progressed astonishingly well and kept me involved and wanting more each minute.
The feels this anime gave me were on par only with Your Lie In April and even then, I feel it can't even begin to compair to them because Ore Monogatari just had such a strong way to show that it was it's onw style of romance and had too much going for it to be just another shoujo romance. I enjoyed every part of this anime and enjoyed every aspect of the director's ideals for these characters. Overall, its just too good to pass up for anyone. I feel it has to be watched.