This anime tried very hard to cram a lot of a complicated plot into a short OVA. One would think this would result in a very fast-paced show, but it still manages to crawl at a snails pace.
This isn't an anime that you should watch without reading the manga. If you've read the manga, it's nice to see some aspects (SOME) come to life (kind of) in an anime. As a stand-alone, it leaves you with more questions than answers.
They should've just not called it a shounen-ai and cut that one scene because it does nothing for the anime but throw you for a loop (they were dating????). If you're going to cut out such a big plot point, might as well cut the entire thing.
If you're looking for yaoi, look elsewhere. If you're looking for an amazing, intricate plot, same.
And if you're used to the quality of animation the 2010's have to offer, it will be a little painful trying to watch this. My eyes hurt at the 144p.