
Aug 18, 2015
Well, this will be my first review for this site! Okay, Star Driver....*sigh* First, let me start by saying that I, while enjoying it immensely, have really been slacking on my anime viewing as of the past few years. Star Driver is one of 2 anime I've finished since Kill la Kill ended back in early 2014, and one of only about 10 anime that I've finished in like 6 years. This, most likely, severely impacted my enjoyment of this series...and man, did I enjoy this one!


This is, without a doubt the weakest aspect of this series. Is it terrible? No. Is it unique? Definitely not. Is it even engrossing in any way? Eh...sometimes...maybe...ish. The main plot of the series centers around Tsunashi Takuto, a 15-year-old boy who washes up on an island one night and is discovered by fellow teenager Agemaki Wako and her childhood friend/somewhat-fiance Shindo Sugata. We soon learn that Takuto is actually the legendary "Ginga Bishounen" (literally "Galactic Pretty-Boy"~) who is capable of summoning a giant mech suit (referred to as a Cybody in the series) named Tauburn. We follow Takuto, Wako and Sugata as they try and prevent "Clichéd Evil Organization #1,987,208" (actually called "Kiraboshi: Order of the Cross/Glittering Crux Brigade") from using other Cybodies and the powers of islands' four Shirine Maidens for their own dark purposes. Most episodes follow a somewhat "monster of the week" formula which can get dull after a while. And, of course, there is typical high-school life and the required love triangle of the three mains to deal with when we're taking a break from the real plot. The story is nothing groundbreaking, can sometimes be seen as less than coherent and most of the time is just a convoluted mess. It's still entertaining in it's own right and I didn't find it painful to sit through.


For the most part, the art-style of this anime isn't really anything to write home about. However, when it truly needs to shine, it does so with fantastic results! The animation of each and every "Zero-Time" mech battle is simply gorgeous, with the sheer epicness leaving me in a state of "@)___(@" 90% of the time. There is a lot of repeated animation but I was never bored watching them play out over and over again. It was just that fun to watch. Shame that most of the fight scenes were under 3 minutes in length; this is one of the areas where the series really shines. On the other hand, the character designs are a strange combination of both flashy and bland. It's the weirdest thing: sometimes they're distinctive and interesting (such is the case with characters like Takuto, his seductive...and married...classmate, Mrs. Kanako Watanabe and a few others) and sometimes they leave something to be desired (Wako, Sugata and about 80% of the supporting cast).


This is easily my absolute favorite aspect of this series. I. Love. This. Soundtrack. It's gorgeous, full of epic orchestral pieces and beautiful character tracks (courtesy of the Shrine Maidens). In fact, the Northern Shrine Maiden provides me with one of my favorite anime tracks of all-time, "Monochrome" (the T.V. version, in particular). This series does not shirk in the music department. When I can actually remember the tune of the opening and ending themes, I am instantly impressed. And as for the voices, Star Driver is crammed full of familiar talent that is known to deliver. Fukuyama Jun(Lelouch) = Sugata, Miyano Mamoru(Rintarou/Light) = Takuto, Hayami Saori ("Tsuruko"/Ikaros) = Wako. Other famous seiyuu include Tomatsu Haruka ("Anaru"), Yukana (C.C./everything), Ishida Akira (Gaara/everything else) among many others.


Here's where we get shaky again. While the characters are all well-established and easily distinguishable from one another there is little to no development, especially concerning our three main protagonists. They are essentially the same from start to finish.

Takuto is the perpetually happy lead with the gravity defying hair. He attracts pretty much every female he makes eye-contact with, is pretty much good at anything and everything and is just a super nice guy. You've seen this character 3,000 times and you're gonna see it 3,000 more times. The kid's just...perfect. He will figure a way out of any situation, no matter how a**-pull-ish the solution seems. He doesn't have any further potential to reach as a character because by the start of the series he's already reached it. I don't hate him as a main character, but compelling? Nah...

Sugata is another one you've seen time and time again. The beautiful, dark-haired, quiet type. He sometimes seems to have a chip on his shoulder, but is generally friendly. I wouldn't classify him as "the stoic" but he isn't far from it. He comes complete with angst, family issues, secrets, dark prophecies and other miscellaneous baggage. Somehow, with all this going on, he's even less interesting than Takuto. Oh, and he's also a harem-magnet, of course.

And Wako...oh, Wako. She's pretty a lot...she's...nice...and she's.....well....yeah. That's pretty much it. She is the least realized character in this series and that's saying something. Her relevance to the plot revolves around her being one of the only 2 known Shrine Maidens at the start of the series (not a spoiler, I promise) and being the main focus of the underlying rivalry between, otherwise best friends, Takuto and Sugata. She's the female lead, but it really just feels like she's there without needing to be. She does stuff, especially near the end, but it feels like "too little, too late" by that point. She's a decently attractive, bland girl with an undeserved male-following and little else to offer. One good thing is that, while she does occasionally fill this role, she isn't always playing the part of "damsel in distress".

As for the supporting cast... I like them! I like them all a lot! There is a large cast of supporting characters and all of them are a blast to follow. This, along with the musical score and Cybody battles are the primary reason I stuck with this series til the end and plan to watch the movie. From the above mentioned Mrs. Kanako Watanabe to the teen-bishounen loving school nurse to the only girl who can out-positive Takuto (Yo Mizuno) to the creepy anarchistic maybe-lesbians Kei and Ko, I got a ton of laughs from these characters. And they, along with the host of other interesting supporting characters, pretty much provide the best drama for the series. If an episode is uncharacteristically deep and intriguing, it's probably starring one of these guys or gals.


I must admit, even with all of its aforementioned flaws, I am very glad I chose to watch this anime. It was essentially just on a whim that I picked the series but I had a blast! It was just that fun to watch. Stupid fun, but fun nonetheless. Like I said before, this is only the second anime I've seen to completion in over a year and I desperately missed the medium; since this series is basically and amalgamation of the most stereotypical anime-y things imaginable, my judgement could have been clouded by a sense of nostalgia and fondness!


Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto will most likely not be the best anime you have ever seen or ever will see. It's got a fairly weak story carried on the backs of a fairly standard main trio. However, there are a ton of great side characters to keep you distracted from how confused the main plot has you. The animation at times is just breathtaking (especially during those "Zero-Time" battles). And the soundtrack is both beautiful and epic. If you're looking for a deep story that will leave you pondering the meaning of existence, you ain't gettin' it here. If you're looking to come home from work or school and kick back with a plethora of funny bishounen and bishoujo, get drowned in enough fanservice to make both sexes happy and occasionally have your mind blown by what you're seeing and hearing, then check out this series. You could do much worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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