
Aug 12, 2014
Hey guys! This is my first review on this site, so be easy on me!
Shakugan no Shana, where should I begin?
You know, at first glace there isn't much that is really that great about it. It's got one of the most tedious and plot hindering romances of all time, is confusing at times, the art is cool but the eyes take up a third of their head. The characters develop like they were in an RPG, they really only get stronger over time and learn new tricks, and the personalities are very generic. This anime does so much wrong, yet... yet...
... it's one of my favorite anime of all time.
I have no clue how it works but it does and it keeps you hooked. Shakugan no Shana is so stereotypical and so frustrating in some regards that it makes its way into your heart and stays there. But it's not out of pity. This anime is actually good! It's almost a perfect anime while being so aesthetically generic! In fact, i watched all 3 seasons (72 episodes) in 2 weeks! I'll just start the review (general, over all 3 seasons) and I'll show you what I mean.

Story: 9/10
It has a pretty unique and cool concept, with a world created around it. The idea of existence being a finite power source is an incredible concept. And the plot line regarding the flame hazes, crimson denizens and the like is a 10/10 story line (which is why I loved the third season). Also, i loved the pacing. It's not like many animes where an episode starts and it feels like nothing has happened then BAM, "tune in next week to watch the 5th part of the first episode of SAO S2". It actually has substance. A lot can happen and you check how much time is left for the episode and you are like "hell yeah! I have 12 more minutes!" And i love that! And the show is built to watch it for hours straight because of how each episode ends. There is always a moment of suspense to keep you going. There is that boring 3 episode back story that pops up a few times in the series, but its no endless 8. The plot regarding the flame hazes and the development of Yuji is brilliant... so why is this a 9/10?
It's the biggest killer of any great drama. Romance. The romance in SnS is so bad, but it's still very important to the plot and character development. Shana, normally a cold, steely-eyed, nameless killer begins to realize what it's like to be a real girl, and it takes Yuji to help her with it. Actually, the romance between Yuji and Shana is a great concept, and the actual romance that takes place between them is great. But where the romance gets bad is that every main character seems to get involved. I'm even okay with the triangle between Yoshida and Shana, since it is the catalyst developing Shana's character. It's just the unnecessary little bits like Ike's involvement and Hecate in Season 2. The vanilla romances of Shana/Yuji and Yoshida/Yuji work and actually create a plot. It's just when there is too much romance is where the story loses some points.
Season 2 is more about Yuji getting stronger and Shana's emotional development and is really good drama. And then...
SEASON THREE. HOLY MOTHER OF HARUHI. I can't even talk about it cause any detail is a spoiler. Let me tell you one thing. NOBODY EXPECTED THIS. You're in for a treat if you like surprises cause by jove you will get the surprise of your freaking lives.
Seriously, it will blow your mind. It was my favorite season because it changes everything you thought you knew about the Crimson World.

Art: 9/10
Believe it or not, the art actually gradually improves over time. Only glaring weakness is that the eyes are really big, but hey. It's anime friends. I think it looks fine. Why this is a 9/10 is because of the action scenes early on. They actually don't ever show anyone getting struck or cut and it's a little odd, but the fighting gets better later on.

Sound: 10/10
I am not a dub guy. I think Japanese sounds better over English 99% of the time. However, on my second watch, I did the dub and I was impressed. It sounds really good with the exception of Margery in battle (shudders). But the Japanese is really great too. Soundtrack is what puts this over the top. All 3 seasons have some of the best OPs and EDs in anime, period. Joint from season 2 may be the best song of all time. Many times I will skip an OP or turn it off at the ED, but never for Shakugan no Shana. The OST for this anime is the BEST.

Character: 10/10
You know many of these reviews say that SnS has very stereotypical characters. And that is true partially. You have your tsundere, your kind hearted, selfless male hero, your alcoholic Western chick, the competition in love, and even the side characters and enemies have all been seen before.
But what Shakugan no Shana does great is that it makes you develop your own personal feelings for each character and that is what makes this series so good. You personally feel something different for every character and that affects your reaction to the plot. That is really cool in my opinion and brilliant. You get mad, you feel heartbreak, you may even rejoice when a breakthrough happens. In fact, what this show does great, especially when the main "villains" get more screen time, is that this show is not about good vs evil, but rather relative good vs relative good. Some characters you hated in one episode may make you sympathize with them later. Even if you think you were on the good guys side, you may reconsider (especially later on). That is why it is so brilliant. You might hate Shana for her early heartless demeanor, but warm up to her and root for her later, then get frustrated at her. You might think Yuji is the nicest guy of all time, but is so dense when it comes to girls and that might make you feel bad for the girls, and then you feel accomplished when Yuji gets powerful, and then season 3 and you're like WHAAAAAT. You might even like Saito and Tanaka, the neer-do-wells who are henchmen for the busty boozer Margery Daw and her comic sidekick Marco. I actually came to love the denizens as well, especially Bol Mask and the Trinity. Even the semi-main characters, like Alastor, Whirlhelmina, Yujis mom, Yoga-chan, and the other flame hazes all have developed personalities and play great roles.
And then there is Yoshida. Most people hate SnS for her, but she is one of the most important characters. She might deserve a hate club because yes, she is the losing third part of love triangle. But she is what drives Yuji to become stronger, what drives Shana to learn how to feel and love. She is a pitiful character but I love her character. You don't want her to win because you love Shana more, but you may feel bad for her. I did. Most people don't though, but they seem to oversee the genius behind this show.

Enjoyment: 10/10

At first this show is very generic, but is in reality so freaking deep that I could go on about it. Certainly underrated but the reactions you get from every scenario and character keep you coming back for more. It may seem like it repeats, but the general development of the characters is just so dynamic. I can't get enough of this show as I'm on my first playback and am just now realizing how great this show was. You may see stereotypes, the occaisonal corny dialouge and joke, but underneath that painful romance (and it's painful on purpose) is the deepest character development and largest roster that is actually memorable individually.

I was a little disappointed by the reviews on here, but I think they are all missing the point. I recommend it highly, and give it a rewatch if you saw it before in the same light as I have. Skip the backstories if you find them boring because the rest is fantastic. You may find it predictable early on, but there are plot twists. And one season is actually one big twist. It's awesome. It's almost a perfect anime. It's Shakugana no Shana people. Watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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