Digimon Frontier is the fourth installment in the Digimon franchise, and is unconnected to the previous three shows, or "seasons". It follows the main character, Takuya, and his friends as they go through the digital world, and it is absolutely my favorite in the Digimon series.
STORY: The plot develops quite well, actually surprising me with some of the twists. Keep in mind this series IS made for kids, so the messages that the story produces are things about growing up and making friends. On top of being a wonderful kids show, it actually has quite a few more adult like themes that surprised and pleased me as a teenage rewatcher of the show.
The storyline will often show the kids being bullied, or having very real problems that I myself have experienced in life. It shows how that effects them once making new friends, and it shows them grow throughout the series. It's heart warming and very wonderful to watch.
Besides that, the plotline was actually very well written (definitely a step up from Digimon Adventure 02, in any case) and kept you interested throughout the fifty episodes of the show.
ART: The art, as it's a very old show AND made for children, leaves a lot to be desired. The world is absolutely beautiful, though, and they do a great job with the scenery. I don't believe the art is terrible, but it is definitely not great, especially compared to the art in anime nowadays.
SOUND: Both the original and the English versions of the soundtrack are pretty good, in my opinion! They are both very upbeat and really fit what's happening in the show. Very enjoyable to listen to.
The voice actors in the original for the characters are much, much better, though. In the English, true to most children's shows, they change a lot of things including names and whatnot, so I would suggest watching the sub instead of the dub.
CHARACTER: Every character is well thought out and well designed and well developed. Even though there may be parallels to other Digimon series (Takuya being similar to Taichi, for instance), they all develop very differently and in their own ways which was pleasing to watch.
Digimon Frontier delves more into character development then I feel the other Digimon series had, and it really allows you to get inside the character's minds. It's very intense, especially for a children's show, and very interesting to watch. They did an excellent job at making the characters very relatable in their own respects while also teaching people about the problems bullying and other real life issues will cause later on in life. As a child, the characters in this show helped me out greatly with life, and I find even as an older teenager the messages are universally important.
ENJOYMENT: I have watched this series three times now -- once as a young child, once recently in English, and again in Japanese -- and I have enjoyed it every time. As I said, the messages are universally important and useful, and I've found them helping me in every day life.
The series is very different from the other installments in Digimon, and I think it increased the enjoyment factor for me greatly. It's my favorite in the Digimon line, and for good reason.
OVERALL: I will gladly give this an overall ten, without a doubt. I love watching this series from start to finish and it's highly enjoyable.
Delving into character's minds is something of a hobby for me, and watching a Digimon series allow me to do that was a wonderful experience. As I said, it's my favorite in the Digimon line, because everything worked so much better.
It had an original plot that was fun and interesting to follow, wonderful characters that were all very different from each other, believable character development, and so much more. Everything about Digimon Frontier was done well, if not very well, and I highly recommend it as something fun to watch and take your mind off of things.
It's also, of course, an excellent show for kids, and I would recommend showing it to your children if you have them. It teaches wonderful messages that I still carry with me in my day to day life, and it does it in a wonderful way that I really appreciate now that I'm older.