
Jul 20, 2013
Sword Art Online:

(This is my first review using a new rating system. If you want to see how this system works, check out 'about me' in my profile. Enjoy!)

Sword Art Online is a gamer's dream come true. Sweeping the masses by storm last year, SAO has quickly become one of the most popular anime in recent years. This is probably due to the fact that many anime enthusiasts also happen to be gamers. However, this show has just as many haters as fanboys, so does this show meet up to the hype? For me, as guilty as I may feel saying it, it's a definitive yes.

Story 7/10:
Sword Art Online is about a gamer named Kirito who, along with thousands of other gamers, gets trapped in a virtual reality mmo. To go along with this, if you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way to get out of the game, is to beat all 100 floors of the game, a task that could take years to achieve. Like I said, the concept of this show is tailor made for gamers, and much of the language used is suited for those accustomed to gaming language. With these thoughts in mind, I was hyped to start this anime. However, the first 4 episodes of this show are very poor. The pacing is horrendous, and I strongly considered dropping it during these episodes. After these are out of the way though, the story blooms into something much greater. Basically once Kirito starts spending more time with Asuna, the show starts to become more focused. A split focus between the romance between these characters, and the ultimate goal of beating the game. From episode 4 to 15, the show completely had me under its spell and got me completely hooked. These episodes also really dove into the physiological standpoint of how being trapped in this world for years can effect you. After these episodes, the focus of the show completely shifts. Not that this shift was bad, in fact I really loved the latter half of the series, however, I can see many people being disappointed in the shift the show takes. The concept for this show's plot was fantastic, and besides the first 4 episodes, I loved its execution as well. Admittedly, yes, there are plenty of plotholes, completely blatant flaws in some logic, and the explanation for many key events can be awful at times. Things like this don't really bother me personally, but I know for many people it ruined the show for them, so if that kind of thing gets to you: beware. It definitely wasn't perfect, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story, more than I probably should have. I leave the story with a very good 7/10 because even though there were flaws everywhere, they mostly didnt bother me and the story was great in MY opinion. However, I can completely understand someone giving the story aspect of this show a score MUCH worse.

Art 9/10:
The animation, worlds, and characters are all beautifully on display in this anime. The settings of this show are widely varied and beautiful, excellently presenting an mmo-style world in anime form. This was a world that I honestly wanted to be in. What really made the art from this show a masterpiece were the battle scenes. The fights were fluid, and gorgeous. A vast array of battle animations and actions were on display, and the big boss battles were utterly enticing. I really haven't seen an anime before with such an expansive world, and such beautiful action animations.

Sound 8/10:
As far as music goes, Sword Art Online had a great overall OST. The opening "Crossing Field" is personally one of my favorite opening songs in history and is catchy as hell. The music during the scenes all fit the scenes very well, and were definitely more memorable than most soundtracks that I've heard. The voice acting for the show was good as well, although I'm no expert in the world of Japanese voice acting, and 9 times out of 10 pick the dub over the sub when available. It's gotta be a plus though when I can emotionally attach to characters when I don't even understand what they are saying without reading subs.

Characters 7/10:
Kirito is what every mmo player secretly wishes they were. A black wearing swordsman who absolutely overpowers everyone he faces. Include that he "unintentionally" gets every girl he meets to fall in love with him, and he is the perfect image of what gamers wish they were. This is a slight problem though, because his lack of flaws can make him seem a little one dimensional. For me, it wasn't a huge problem though because like I said, he is an ideal character, which is a joy to watch. It's true that the characters do lack development, some even seemingly regressing instead of progressing. Kirito seems to run in circles with his development, and Asuna does anything but develop. However, the real strength in the characters is the relationship between Kirito, Asuna, and another character that I will avoid due to spoilers. The relationship between these 2 was very stereotypical of a romance on the surface, but for some reason I found myself REALLY caring about it, and hoping that everything would end up happy for them. Unlike the individual characters, the relationship they had DID develop, and was touching to watch. I guess what made these 2 seemingly flawed main characters stand out, is just the fact that they were very likable. They aren't characters that you can really say you hate, you may shake your head or laugh at some of the things they do, but you can see that their intentions are clearly in the right direction. So even thought they really lacked development and in Kirito's case were overpowered, they were still very likable. The side characters were another story though. They seemed to have little to no purpose, popping in and out of the show at random moments. Some got no more than 1 episode of screen time. This made the side characters very insignificant, even though the weren't necessarily bad characters. All in all, there are definitely a few shining characters, but many of the side ones hold this category back from being anything better than "good."

Enjoyment 9/10:
I enjoyed the $#!+ out of this show. Admittedly, I really didn't care for the first 4 episodes. I even told a friend "If this show was half as good as its opening song, then I would love it." But after powering through these episodes, I slowly started to change my perspective, and ending up loving this show. The whole concept was brilliant, and the way they dive into the psychological and moral aspects of the characters trapped in this world is great. Between the battle scenes, plot twists, romance, and gaming references, this show was ridiculously enjoyable to watch.

I can't say for sure you will love this show due to the divided audience, but I definitely recommend you give it a chance because you might like it as much as, or even more than me.
Stream it! +.1

Overall 8.1/10
Sword Art Online was a true joy to watch. With a brilliant concept, the show for the most part delivers wonderfully. Although the first 4 episodes weren't the best, the show picks itself up and delivers quite the adventure. The hype surrounding this show is well deserved, and I can't imagine someone who plays any sort of rpg to dislike this show. It absolutely has its flaws and inconsistencies, but I was able to look past them and can confidently say that Sword Art Online was a great show to watch.

The Verdict:
Fantastic concept that for the most part delivers. A wide array of appeal, but especially for those who enjoy the fantasy genre and gaming.

+ Fantastic concept
+ Knows its audience (gamers)
+ Touching character relationships
+ World and animations are beautiful
+ OP is one of my favorites

- Less than stellar first 4 episodes
- Plenty of plot holes/poor explanation
- Lack of character development
- Drastic plot change could definitely disappoint some people

If you liked Sword Art Online, then watch....
Mainly because they are both action oriented and the main characters are sword wielders, I also needed an excuse to recommend Fate/Zero lol.
Accel World:
Most people who have liked SAO like Accel World as far as I know. Both are themed around virtual reality games, and both are set in the same universe.

8.1/10 - Great
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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