Hetalia: The Beautiful World is the fifth season to the series Hetalia. The style has changed, and it was very good in my taste. This time, the director of the Hetalia series is new, but he did a very good job of the series.
The story to Hetalia isn't exactly a plot as well as the previous seasons, each episode is different from the rest, and random. The series is a comedy, but the comedy is to make you enjoy yourself and have a good time. I do say that the historical facts are lessened a bit, some episodes are just random, others reflect on the nations' past and culture. I give the story a 6/10.
The art development for the nations are much more shining and more similar to different animes, but it does add its own charm. Despite the characters' new shiny appearance, the background isn't as well drawn as the characters. Art doesn't really matter, as long as the plot is good and strong, but still, we wouldn't want an anime with poorly drawn backgrounds right? 8/10
For sound, all I can say is that the ending theme is catchy, and that there is a lot of happiness to it. The only song that I can think of that is pretty nostalgic is the French song, but that's the only song I can think of. 7/10
The best part about Hetalia is the characters, and to say, I agree. The characters have their own unqiue-ness and quirkiness. But since the nations' personality and hobbies are based off of stereotypes, you might get a bit annoyed at first, but you can't help but to agree that the nations are rather unique and different. Italy's cheerfulness, Germany's serious nature, and France's romantic attitude, you can see how different they are. 9/10
Hetalia is full of happinessm though there are times when sadness fills in the room. You enjoy how funny and happy the show is, how the characters interact, and how each epiosde progresses. Hetalia isn't meant to be taken seriously, so all you can do is relax and enjoy its quirkiness! 9/10
Overall, I think Hetalia: The Beautiful World is a nice season added to the series. The art is much better, and the characters are still the same as ever! I recommend this show to anyone who's into history, and just wants some fun!
Jul 13, 2013
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