When it comes to kiddie anime, I usually do not give out tens. And msot of what I say is opinion, not fact. So don't take it too personal just because I perfer this season over the other two.
Spinning tops has never been this badass before! And I love how they made it into an extreme professional sport. If you were to explain the story to someone who has never seen the anime, it would come off as silly to them.
The art style is pretty unique. I didn't like how the style was altered to look OMFG KAWAII ^__^ and like your typical kiddie anime.
It was pretty great. And for once English dubbers picked the right voice actors.
The BladeBreakers are pretty much the most memorable characters I've noticed in anime. They're the only protagonists that I never got annoyed with. You can say that Takao is the main character, but in a way, him, Kai, Rei and Max are all the main characters and aren't there for just support. It's a good thing that you are led to hate the despicable Boris and you're led to root for Takao and friends.
This season holds my most cherished childhood memories that I had between grade 5-7. How could anyone not enjoy this?