What surprised me in this manga was the point of view! At first, I thought it will be some weird animal/demon-turning-in-human-for-love manga which I have seen but when I understood that the sparrow will only be the story teller, I was amazed and very pleased!
For a moment, I thought that the things were a bit rushed (Around the middle) but it smoothed out very nicely. I am not the fan of this typical shouju manga art, I prefer more realistic one but otherwise, it is coolest one-shot I have ever read lately.
If you're looking for original manga with sweet romance and are not against one-shots
Feb 9, 2009
This manga is called darker version of Cinderella but, actually, I can't say it is much different from the original Grimm's Cinderella. What might be different is the way doves acted at the wedding ceremony or the lack of 'true love' from prince's side (Overall, it does give a feeling she went to the ball not to find love but to get free from her sisters).
But the story is great, the characters are well thought (Not to mention, well drawn!) and even if it's so short you can get a very good feel of them. I am not a big fan of kind of gory ... |