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Sword Art Online II
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Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.
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Sesame-chan Nov 15, 2010 9:53 AM
Happy Eid :)
Sesame-chan Mar 2, 2010 10:18 PM

Sesame-chan Nov 26, 2009 2:35 PM
Sesame-chan Oct 5, 2009 1:26 AM
السلام عليكم
اي مشاكل قصدك...الدراسة؟؟
كل شيء ملخبط و الله
الدراسة و الشغل و الأسرة و الأصحاب
الحمد لله على كل حال

بالنسبة للدرسة فاحنا بدينا في اول شهر 9 ...الوزارة واثقة من مناعة الطلاب :)
أضحك الله سنك
الموضوع فعلاً أنا شايفاه متكبر أوي
يعني هما بيحجموا العمرة و بيأخروا دخول المدارس
لكن لو فيه ماتش كورة أو حفلة خليعة من حفلات التليفزيون مليانة ناس مفيش حد يتكلم

الفيروس نفسه مش بالخطورة دي
و عندنا أوبئة في مصر أشد و ألعن
لكن هو الخوف بس إنه يتحور لفصيلة أقوى
لكن زي ما بتقول تمام ما راح يصيبك إلا المكتوب

حفظك الله
Sesame-chan Sep 24, 2009 9:16 PM
ربنا يعزك و يبارك فيك

أنا كمان و الله أشتقت لكم كتير

بس المشاكل محيطه بيا من كل ناحية
الله المستعان

المهم انت كيف حالك
عملت ايه في الامتحانات
و الدراسة هتتأجل عندكم مثلنا عشان انفلونزا الخنازير و لا ايه ؟
Sesame-chan Sep 20, 2009 3:54 AM
عيد مبارك يا باز
يا رب تكون بخير
Sesame-chan Jun 24, 2009 7:26 PM
Asslam 3lykom wa ra7mat Allah :D

Are you alright? What's with the "silence"?

who r u??
You scared me for a minute D:<

how i can forget my best & only friend in MAL
:D hehe thank you *blushes*

i was with Wss-group الشهاب الابيض but i quit for study i dot for fun and some friends..
Cooool! Aren't you going to work again with them in the summer vacation?
BTW do you know a program to use for making subtitles, which is for free, not just a trial version?
I need one ASAP, please :3

Nooooo... we need psychiatrist here...
Maaaaaaaashi ya paz
Look who's talking ;)
We're both on the same level of cat insanity :P

سؤال عادي وجوابه بسيط...تركت المغرب لان الوالد يعمل في الامارات..
اما بالنسبة لتقيد الاسلام فالكلام مش صحيح ..صحيح انو في الاونة الاخيرة صارت في تحيقيات ..بس هي ردة فعل طبيعية نتيجة لفعل بعض الناس هداهم الله وهم التكفيريين..

هممم طيب ده كلام مطمئن الحمد لله
أنا كنت باسمع عن اغلاق دور تحفيظ القرآن باستمرار في المغرب
و الله أنا بدأت أشعر إن التكفيريين دول مدسوسين علينا من الغرب و إنهم ليسوا مسلميين أصلاً و لكنهم نجحوا في جذب الشباب ذوي القلوب الضعيفة
ربنا يبعد شبابنا عنهم و يحميهم من كل أذى

اما بالنسبة للاسلام فالبعكس الحرية اللتي في المغرب لن تجديها ابدا في الخليج ولو جزء بسيط
اعتقد في مصر ايضا يوجد تقييد شديد
يعني الملتحين و المحجبات في المغرب ماعندهمش مشاكل في أسلوب المعيشة ؟
زي ما بتقول تمام مصر فيها تقييد بشع لممارسة الإسلام
مثلاً احنا عندنا اعتقالات كتير للملتحين حتى من لا ينتمون لجماعة معينة
و حرب ضروس على الحجاب حتى من وزارة الأوقاف نفسها
أنا بدأت و الله أفكر في السفر للسعودية أو أي دولة من دول الخليج بسبب كده
الوضع في دبي عامل ازاي؟

Hey, there is a series called "The Arrivals" made by two American Muslim guys, have you watched it?
Sesame-chan May 16, 2009 9:50 PM
Paaaaaaaaz, how are youuuuuuuu? I hope you haven't forgotten me yet ^_^"

You finished the exams, right? How did it go?

لا يروح تفكيرك لبعيد..كان قصدي اعادة انتاج الترجمة على الانمي فقط لاغير..شغلنا كله على الترجمة فقط
Whoa! Are you in a fan-sub group? Which one? Is it kingdom of anime?

try this link and tell me whats happened with u strange but funny
Hehe, what do you think I was? *winks*

I'm seriously in love with this creature <3

That link you gave me to the Firefox add on is very nice, I found some death note similes XD
But I can't find the funny ones you post me, I can't figure out the right key words for them -_-"

ممكن أسألك سؤال رخم؟ لو مش عايز متردش طبعاً ... انت تركت المغرب ليه؟
أنا سمعت كلام كتير عن تقييد الإسلام في المغرب ... و انت ما شاء الله عليك تبدو لي شخص ملتزم ... يا ترى هو ده السبب؟
فضوليه أنا عارفه
Sesame-chan Apr 21, 2009 2:52 AM
I feel bad that I made you rush your reply last time while you're busy with the exams; I hope they're going well, I finished mine yesterday.
كرهت نفسي
يا مسكين خلاص هانت أنا ما كنت فاكرة الأولاد بيتوتروا مثلنا في الامتحانات .. دايما بشوف الأولاد باردين عند قاعة الامتحان.

Thanks for the link, I'm gonna try it out today :D

أبدا مش زعلان ...بس لاني كنت مشغول بانتاج انمي ولقيت مشكلة مع برامج الانتاج فما لقيت وقت هاليومين..بالاضافة اني ما دايما فاتح الموقع..حتى لما افتح الامتصفح فالموقع بيفتح تلقائي لأني بحفظ جميع الصفحات ومابغلقهاش

:O انتاج انمي؟ انت بتنتج انمي؟

BTW you are absolutely forbidden to reply to me or waste anytime on the net until you finish your exams, I'll miss talking to you, but I don't want you to lose precious time in front of the computer.
Sesame-chan Apr 15, 2009 11:46 PM
السلام عليكم ... كيف حالك ؟
سجلت دخول امبارح وما رميت السلام حتى
انت زعلان مني ولا ايه؟ :(

على فكره أصحابنا الصهاينه رجعوا ينبحوا تاني
Sesame-chan Apr 11, 2009 1:34 AM
Sooooo late I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...
I just finished the written exams , I have oral and clinical exams left >_>
How've you been ? I missed talking to you soooo much .

haha.. i use Firefox & i was testing my new add on really its great add on..a lot of smiles just double click in the smile and it will appear in ur post..
Very nice add on

dada... i can speak my language and u will not understand any thing....i like this one 'la2 nase7' ....ok i will test u in my language ..wat i mean when i say 'zwin or زوين' ....
Hmmm , I have no idea what "zwin" means , is it another way to say "zain"?-_-"
I suck at accents haha .. I have patients from Iraq , KSA and Yemen and I have a hard time figuring out what they're saying , I have to really concentrate when they're talking that sometimes I feel smoke is coming out of my head O_O
Ummm and what does "dada" mean ? o_O

...BTW im taller than u.. >>>>>>>by 4 cm
Haha mashi ya Paz , a 5cm heel and I"ll be taller ;P

also i think Rebella is right
"لأ مفيش احتفالات بالمولد لأن شبوخ الدين بيقولو حرام
النبي ماحتفلش بيوم ميلاده فالزاي نحتفل بيه؟"

I totally agree …
الاحتفال بالمولد النبوي بدعة طبعاً لكن للأسف منتشرة في مصر جداً ، أنا لا أشري حلوى المولد أو أي شيء لكن
أصحابي بيعطوهالي هدية . نقطة ضعفي السمسمية ما بقدر أقاومها
تفتكر اسمي جه منين هاها؟

BTW , I finished Lovely complex , it was awesome … Do you have some other recommendations ?*rubs hands greedily*
Sesame-chan Mar 5, 2009 12:37 PM
LMAO at the smiles , nice touch ^^

unfortunately there are some ppl who shallow minded & they have"power"
What do you mean by "power" ?

to be honest i read one of ur comments in the past and it was ' Egyptian accent'...
Haha you know how to recognize Egyptian accent ? la2 nase7 :D

BTW , I LOVE lovely complex , it's very funny , I'd like to see how it ends , I'm 170 cm too XD

3id elmoled elnabawe is next monday , kol sana we enta tayeb :)
3andko 7alwa elmoled fi UAE ?
Sesame-chan Mar 3, 2009 12:45 PM
No no ^_^ ..l7mdollilah I'm fine..but i mean it just cake in the internet ((not real cake :-) )) so i cant have it ...
Lol , sorry I think medically almost all the time .
Use your imagination ,Paz , close your eyes and imagine your eating it XD

but really i like to remember my friends birthday>>((just to tell them how much they r important for me ^_^ ))
Aww *blushes* that's so sweet :)

i will not ask u 2 study hard because i know females study harder than us >>((we kind of lazy ^_^' ))
Oh , don't get me started on this , that's right we study much harder than you , but you start studying like 10 days before the exams and you get the same grades as we do , how do guys do that ? o_O

i live in UAE but im from Morocco
I guessed you live in UAE when you told me about that net speed , but I never would've guessed about Morocco .

most of ppl here think that im from Palestine or Egypt ((i dont know why)) maybe because i lose my Moroccan accent ...for that reason the last question i ask person about it is nationality(goodness is the key for me & thats whats make me continue with any person )...
Looks like that "nationality" thing is bothering you. Do you feel that you're being treated differently than the locals in UAE ?

Okay , now you guess where I'm from , but don't peek into my other comments , no cheating allowed XD
Sesame-chan Mar 2, 2009 2:33 PM
You're so welcome , it's the least I could do for you :D
Why can't you go near the cake ? Are you allergic to chocolate or something ? :O

u second one after my sister who remember my birthday
Haha , I'm sure every body else will eventually remember you're birthday , just give them some hints , that's what I do with my family XD

((MIS=solve business problems using IT))actually i like this major even if its difficult i dont care>>i do wat l like :)...after graduate i hope to find nice job and continue my study if i can>>i hope its not expensive $)
It's a great thing to study what you like , this always gives you a push whenever you feel down , and whatever how expensive postgraduate studies are , with a good job and will power , you'll be able to go through it in sha2 Allah . brother worse than me ...he dont eat anything from dabi7a..but for me no PB ((my golden role: eat don't ask XD ))
Lol , I have to go with your brother on this one XD

allah ykon m3aki ...really ur job is great job & u have u have great duty... my full respect for all ppl in this job...what about u plan 2 continue ur study or thats enough 4 u?
Thank you for your nice words , I've already started my Master a few months ago , my exams are in next April , so that's why I don't log in very often .

Do you mind telling me where are you from ? :)
Sesame-chan Mar 2, 2009 12:15 PM
Asslamo 3lykom , Paz peace

Hehe , I've been gone really long this time , sorry ^^"

I've downloaded the 1st episode of lovely complex with Arabic subtitles from the link you gave me .
I have to say , I was really surprised about the quality of the subs , I've expected something much less awesome . Wow , those guys are really skillful !
Does "Kingdom of anime" group have a website ?

Oh , your major seems interesting , and difficult too , what do you plan to do after graduation ?
Haha , you don't like to see blood ? What do you do on 3id Al-Ad7a ? XD
I don’t enjoy the sight of blood either , but I can't complain , I chose a surgical field after all .

Ahem , one more important thing :

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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