Awwh nice, you live near a lake? So envious! xD
Fields? Forests? Okay, it's official. I'm jealous now. D:
I know how you feel; for about 4-5 weeks, it has rained almost non-stop in the city I'm in. :/ Only now are we getting our hot weather; when normally it'd be cooling off for the fall. ._.
I pretty much just relaxed and enjoyed the weather. x'D
There were some nearby beaches and a natural hot spring, so I really just spent my time there. ><
And we just went to a different province; British Columbia, in a town called Kimberley. o:
And OMG, the weather was HEAVENLY. No rain, it was hot out, and it was a small town so the people were so friendly. I wanted to stay there. xD One thing about it though, is that you really need a hobby to survive out there. There isn't a lot of family-type activities either. And honestly, the only types of activities you could do there were horseback riding, boating, and hiking. Because we were like, in the middle of the mountains...xD
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Fields? Forests? Okay, it's official. I'm jealous now. D:
I know how you feel; for about 4-5 weeks, it has rained almost non-stop in the city I'm in. :/ Only now are we getting our hot weather; when normally it'd be cooling off for the fall. ._.
There were some nearby beaches and a natural hot spring, so I really just spent my time there. ><
You live in Sweden? What's it like there? c:
And we just went to a different province; British Columbia, in a town called Kimberley. o:
And OMG, the weather was HEAVENLY. No rain, it was hot out, and it was a small town so the people were so friendly. I wanted to stay there. xD One thing about it though, is that you really need a hobby to survive out there. There isn't a lot of family-type activities either. And honestly, the only types of activities you could do there were horseback riding, boating, and hiking. Because we were like, in the middle of the mountains...xD
My summer this year was nice, did a little traveling~ Though now I have to go out to work. x'D
I'm doing well! Just catching up on anime. :3
How are you doing? :D