A friend that has been into anime for a long time recommended this site to me so I could keep track of my anime.
The first time when I saw anime I was 6 years old. I wasn’t specifically interested in anime, I just liked the series (especially Digimon). Then of course it got cancelled -_- and I forgot about it. Eight years later I stumbled across my childhood series and decided to watch them again. I found out that they belong to anime. I then started to watch other anime as well and I really got into it.
I watch all kinds of anime now . I haven’t seen much yet, but I hope my library will be expanded soon.
If you like to talk about anime, manga, vocaloid, games etc. (or any random stuff that comes to mind) feel free to add me as a friend or leave a message.
"Death Note: Constantly being used in very inappropriate ways--yet very entertaining"# TheFunnyColours
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Ik wou dit jaar eigenlijk naar zo'n event maar had iets te veel geld uitgegeven voor de vakantie dus ik ben van plan volgend jaar heen te gaan :) jij dan?
wow o: dat is best wel lang al. hoe ben jij achter anime gekomen?
een vriend van mij zei dat ik code geass moest kijken.
Ik doe game development wat doe jij? :)
uhm ik denk dat ik nu ongeveer 1,5 jaar anime kijk.
eigenlijk woon ik net in Drenthe maar ik ben vaker in groningen dan drenthe met school enzo. woon jij ook ergens bovenin drenthe? :)
I justify it for myself by saying that I'm supporting young artists xD As long as it's the only time of year that you spend a lot of money, it's all well and good ;D