I see where you are coming from with your Black Clover review, I also dont believe that it's a grade A Shonen series. But You have to consider what the mangaka wants to accomplish. Tabata isn't trying to make a methodical and deep story as much as an action thriller. The story never gets insanley deep with character depth because that's not what the series is trying to accomplish. In terms of it's originality, I think it's style and lore is very original, with the exception of demons always seeming to have a place in every major shonen. But even then, Tabata even tries to turn that into something of his own. Black Clover isn'y any My Hero Academia or Hunter x Hunter, but it's a show that knows what it is and has fans that adore the series. You have the right to say whatever you believe but in the end, I dont think you are giving the series enough credit
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