Bbcode is used in forums to display or enhance certain things. For an image to appear you use the [img] bbcode. This is how you use it: [img]http://imagelinkinhere.jpg[/img]. You insert the image link between the two [img] and it'll show up. Read more here:
I can make a signature for you if you want. You'll have to provide me the images though. What do you have in mind?
All Comments (6) Comments
Avatar: or whichever you prefer. You have to upload your avatar rather than using bbcode. You'll find it right in the link I previously mentioned.
Rules for avatars: Max size: 100 x 125
Under 50kb.
But bbcode displays the image. For example: [img][/img]
And yes, it's called a signature. Make sure you read the thread I linked to use more bbcode.
Mind providing some images? I don't know what you'd prefer.
I can make a signature for you if you want. You'll have to provide me the images though. What do you have in mind?
You inset a signature from here:
Rules for Signatures: Maximum size allowed is: 600 x 150. Any bigger than that and it'll get removed.
Be under 300kb.
You need bbcode to insert a signature, do you know how to use bbcode?